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Plano de Negócio Acesso aberto Ampliação de um negócio já existente por meio de um setor de Trade de Marketing na empresa Ideias Publicidade(2019) Silveira, Camila da CunhaAmpliação de um negócio já existente, por meio de um setor de Trade Marketing que visa aumentar a lucratividade da empresa e fazer contratações temporárias de pessoas. A empresa Ideias Publicidade está há quase 10 anos atuando na área de Eventos Corporativos e Eventos Proprietário em três Estados, SC, RS e SP. Atende empresas que atuam no mercado nacional de energia renovável, em software de gestão financeira, em organizações apoiadoras de empresas e no mercado de bebida. Hoje a departamentalização se dá pelo comercial, por produtores de eventos, gestão de projetos, planejamento criativo e a área financeira. Em 2018, seu crescimento foi de 50% relacionado ao ano anterior. Diante disso, e de uma oportunidade que um dos clientes ofereceu, a empresa estuda a possibilidade de expansão no mercado de Trade, atendendo aos pontos de vendas e aos pontos promocionais.Plano de Negócio Acesso embargado Branding: construção da identidade e posicionamento da Santé cafeteria orgânica(2019) Silva, Rafael LopesEsse Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) apresenta uma construção de identidade visual e posicionamento de marca para a Santé Cafeteria Orgânica através do branding. A partir do conhecimento obtido com estudo bibliográfico, propiciou aprendizados práticos através de situações que evidenciaram a importância dos conceitos estudados. Forças, ameaças, fraquezas e oportunidades puderam ser observadas mais de perto a partir do desenvolvimento da análise SWOT. Com esta análise foi possível identificar aspectos que deveriam ser melhores trabalhados. Estas e outras barreiras podem ser ultrapassadas ao observar as forças e oportunidades. Por fim, foram elaboradas peças publicitárias para diferentes meios a fim de atingir as personas escolhidas.Plano de Negócio Acesso fechado Desenvolvimento de um software web de venda de ingressos utilizando tecnologia RFID(2019) Mendes, Joceli MiguelCompanies that organize events and ticket buyers are required to have this type of information exchange between the two. The use of e-commerce as the environment for this action becomes very feasible. Aiming at the security process, the speed of entry to the event and the control of customer exit, it was proposed to use RFID with e-commerce to fill these gaps. For the development of a research project, research was conducted on RFID, E-commerce and CRM. After the elaboration, a solution of reader and RFID card was developed, as well as the use of the API. Other data was possible applying the language in the developments and modeling aiming the best process of the solution.Plano de Negócio Acesso aberto Identidade visual e plano de comunicação para Moradas Garopaba(2019) Fleck, GuilhermeEste trabalho tem o objetivo de entender o perfil consumidor do público que pratica o turismo na região sul do Brasil, mais especificadamente no município de Garopaba, em Santa Catarina, e aliar isso às estratégias de marketing para ajudar um empreendimento de casas de aluguel de temporada no município de Garopaba, e também criar uma identidade visual e um plano de comunicação para fazer que novos possíveis clientes conheçam os serviços.Plano de Negócio Acesso aberto Influenciadores digitais como estratégia de marketing(2018) Teixeira, Vanessa CristianeProjeto voltado para a área de marketing de influência, sendo abordados em especial os influenciadores do meio tático e outdoor. O principal objetivo é o aprofundamento no assunto e desenvolvimento de um método (mapear, estabelecer contato, fechar a negociação, acompanhar o trabalho desenvolvido através da produção de conteúdo e mensurar os resultados), que torne o processo mais rápido e confiável.Plano de Negócio Acesso aberto Lançamento do e-commerce no varejo supermercadista(2019) Hanioka, Victor Henrique PastanaThis paper aims to present the context of digital transformation in supermarket retail through the actions taken to adapt Imperatriz Gourmet to the new consumer profile, reaching the launch of e-commerce. In this process, the themes of traditional, digital and content marketing, the evolution of consumer profiles and the origin of e-commerce will be addressed. Finally, a construction of a communication plan to effect the launch of e-commerce, with the stages of disclosure, the creative concept and public pieces, the schedule and the summary of investments. Key Words: Marketing. Marketing Digital. CRM. E-Commerce.Plano de Negócio Acesso aberto Modelagem de negócio Canvas para a criação de uma cafeteria e lounge(2020) Júnior, Fábio PedroThis internship report in the form of a business plan presents a study on how Canvas business modeling can be applied in the creation of an evening coffee shop in the Pagani neighborhood in Palhoça / SC. To this end, subjects such as administration, entrepreneurship, business plan and Canvas business model were studied in order to support this research. With regard to methodological procedures, starting with the type of research regarding the object, it was defined as descriptive, when data collection uses bibliographic data and by survey, in this study primary and secondary data were used, and was interpreted in a different way. qualitative and quantitative, the applied research with possible customers was done through a questionnaire that included thirteen respondents living in the municipalities of Palhoça / SC and São José / SC, where it was observed that most respondents were open to an evening cafeteria , among the highlighted points is that the establishment will not serve alcoholic beverages and still, the concept of Meet Café & Lounge was well received. The elaboration of this study provided the definition of the objectives and strategic positioning of the future enterprise, such as acting with a focus on differentiation, analyzing the micro and macroenvironment of the future business, applying a survey with possible customers in order to elaborate the SWOT Matrix that identified the forces, the main one being the differentiated service hours, the weaknesses with the owner's inexperience in undertaking as the most relevant weak point, the opportunities such as the possibility of partnerships with relationship apps, and threats where the health crisis caused by the pandemic was defined as the most impactful, and finally apply the dimensions of the business modeling of Canvas that provided the author with a clearer notion of the capabilities and limitations of the future business, and pointed out as a Value Proposition the novelty for being an evening cafeteria whose objective is to be a meeting point ideal. Based on environmental analyzes, applied research, and the use of Canvas modeling in this study, the importance of these items in the preparation of an efficient business plan is highlighted.Plano de Negócio Acesso embargado Pano de negócio para empresa fora da Kaixa(2019) Lemos, Leonardo CardosoThe present study has the theme of entrepreneurship, and its problem is the identification of the economic and financial feasibility of opening the venture Fora Da Kaixa: Space of Events. In this way the main objective is to elaborate the business plan for the aforementioned company. The applied research, regarding applicability, is classified as applied because the generated knowledge applies to the specific resolution of a business reality. As for the objectives, it is classified as exploratory and descriptive. In the descriptive research data were collected through semi-structured interviews with entrepreneurs, competitors and prospects. The study, in addition to developing the four plans that make up the Business Plan: strategic, operational, marketing and financial, allowed the identification of the economic and financial viability for the opening of Fora da Kaixa, with an expected return of four months.Plano de Negócio Acesso aberto Planejamento de comunicação integrada: Brechó Is The New Black(2020) Santos, Samantha SantosThis communication plan brings together branding and marketing objectives, analyzes and strategies in order to reposition the Brechó Is The New Black brand within the sustainable fashion market. The analysis was performed based on the observation of players in the Greater Florianópolis market, in addition to studies by several reference authors in the area of marketing (with a focus on content marketing) and sustainability. The work brings solutions to conquer consumers through sustainable practices accessible to the general public, showing the importance of stores with sustainable purposes and conscious consumption.Plano de Negócio Acesso aberto Plano de comunicação - blog Montando Look(2019) Silva, Franciny WagnerThe work presents as a general objective to propose a communication plan for the blog Montando Look, based on the principles of digital marketing. And as specific objectives: to research and understand the principles of digital marketing and design for brand creation, develop a new identity for the blog, create a communication plan flor blog dissemination and identify the communication problems between the blog and its audience of interest. National and internacional writters were used, with great knowledge about the issues to give even more foundation to the project. Based on the studies carried out, the present work presents a communication plan for the blog Montando Look, prepared from the analysis of the microenvironment and macroenvironment, the SWOT analysis, audience and blog history. After all analyses are completed, it was possible to outline strategies to strenghten the brand and create a b éter relationship with your audience.Plano de Negócio Acesso embargado Plano de comunicação OK Construções e Empreendimentos Imobiliários(2020) Verdia, Luís Gustavo SantosThe object of this work to conclude the Advertising and Propaganda course was the elaboration of a communication plan to further favor the good performance of the company Ok Construções e Empreendimentos Imobiliários in the market facing it’s main competitors by enabling new sales formats and conceptual active content in online and offline media. The general objective of this communication plan is to make the company attract even more it’s target audience through a quality disclosure with digital media, exploring it and bringing a new moment to the company with more efficient communication. The specific objectives were identified with the S.W.O.T analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). This analys is done, it was possible to better describe the company and know in which points they could improve to create new formats in view of the best development in the market. Finally, a reformulation of the current company logo was developed, production of advertising pieces for the launch of the new Athenas Residence Project with bill board, banner for the office facade, advertisement with pre-launchon TV and radio spot, pieces to be published on the social networks Instagram and Facebook, in addition to creating a more versatile website with the necessary information about the company's developments, it’s history and tips in a blog tab.Plano de Negócio Acesso aberto Plano de comunicação: Accord Pilates(2019) Valadares, Carlos Leonardo AraujoEsse Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso tem como fim a criação de um plano de comunicação para a clínica de bem estar e saúde Accord Pilates, localizada no bairro de Campinas, na cidade de São José, Santa Catarina. Por meio de pesquisas e do conhecimento adquirido no decorrer do curso de Publicidade e Propaganda foram elaboradas propostas para a divulgação da marca e seu principal serviço que é o Pilates. Essas propostas visam alcançar o público-alvo definido pelas pesquisas, através de peças de divulgação que as façam se ver representadas e que dialoguem com seus problemas de saúde. Além da criação, também foram definidos canais de comunicação para a divulgação da campanha, preservando um padrão de investimento compatível com a disponibilidade da empresa.Plano de Negócio Acesso aberto Plano de Comunicação: Arte da Paty(2020) Silva, Maria CarolinaO presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso tem como finalidade a criação de um plano de comunicação para a marca de artesanato Arte da Paty, localizada em Palhoça, Santa Catarina. Por meio de um estudo sobre a empresa e do conhecimento adquirido no decorrer do curso de graduação em Publicidade e Propaganda, foram elaboradas estratégias de comunicação para a marca. As soluções propostas têm como objetivo tornar a marca e seus produtos conhecidos pelo público-alvo, utilizando estratégias criativas e de criação, além dos canais de divulgação que foram definidos neste plano de comunicação e orçamentação necessária para sua implantação.Plano de Negócio Acesso aberto Plano de comunicação: Imperatriz tele serviços(2019) Turnes, João VitorThis final conclusion work presents a communication plan developed to Imperatriz Tele Serviços company, with its headquarters in Santo Amaro da Imperatriz, Santa Catarina state and it counts with 7 other branches in different states in Brazil, including Federal District. The company offers services and solutions in contact center, technologies and wireless. In the theory framework we addressed concepts learned throughout the social communication and done by an analysis of marketing growing, advertising and marketing of current state. Developing further strategies and tactics of the planning, there was a qualitative exploratory research, with the company employees with the goal to understand the insight of the staff, by being able to see fragile areas and among those information's, make it possible the actions for improvement, with the aim to reach the company’s vision, to become the largest company of SAC/Call Center service of public services in Brazil. Being conducted to create the elements of advertising pieces and budgeting.Plano de Negócio Acesso embargado Plano de comunicação: JD Films(2020) Gonçalves, Alinny GomesThis undergraduate thesis has aimed to present a communication plan developed for JD Filmes, a company specialized in producing videos for events and parties. Were addressed in this study the introduction, justification and the specific objective this thesis aims to achieve. Then the methodology used was explained together with the theoretical basis that addressed concepts relevant to this study, such as audiovisual, wedding and marketing. In order to elaborate an efficient communication plan were analysed competitors, environment both internal and external and a SWOT matrix. By the end of this thesis, in order to make it possible to work in the new service using digital media, appropriate actions were suggested to solve the problems encountered.Plano de Negócio Acesso aberto Plano de comunicação: microempresa Amada Fotografia(2018) Constâncio, Amanda RodriguesO presente projeto visa a desenvolver um Plano de Comunicação para a microempresa Amada Fotografia, detalhando as atividades do empreendimento, destacando estratégias de criação de identidade visual e mídia, alinhando os meios e canais para uso na divulgação da marca e determinando as melhores ações para o negócio em sua fase inicial. Para a execução das atividades propostas, uma generosa revisão bibliográfica foi realizada, elencando e aplicando teorias de autores de marketing e de comunicação. Além disso, uma delimitação metodológica foi feita para a melhor orientação e organização dos conhecimentos.Plano de Negócio Acesso aberto Plano de comunicação: Modèle Studio de Pilates(2019) Steffens, IsabelleThis project presents the process of building a communication plan, for the company Modèle, a health care center with various services, which operates in the city of Palhoça, state of Santa Catarina, which had never made a concrete planning for the brand since its foundation. A new visual identity was created to strengthen the company’s institutional image, and also an strategic planning for a 6-month period. With the knowledge of several authors about brand building and communication, and through market analysis, environment, target audience and competition, it was possible to create strategies aimed at potential customers, and a win-win action plan for the company.Plano de Negócio Acesso embargado Plano de comunicação: oba! faça a diferença, compartilhe chances(2018) Rosa, Rafaela daThis final course assignment proposes the elaboration of a Communication Plan for the non-governmental organization called OBA! (Organização do Bem Animal), active in social projects in the region of Florianópolis town aiming the animal welfare of the region. Its main objective is to emphasize the importance of the work of the non-governmental organization OBA!, looking for people's empathy so that they can add values to the organization and arouse interest to the animal cause.In order for these results to be achieved, and the Communication Plan be carried out, the methods of bibliographical and field scientific research were used.Plano de Negócio Acesso embargado Plano de negócio para o restaurante temático Joozz(2018) Joaquim, LeonardoThis study has the theme of entrepreneurship and its problem is the identification of the feasibility of the opening of the Joozz themed restaurant, for which a business plan has been developed. The general objective of the study is to develop the business plan for the company mentioned above and the methodology used to conduct the exploratory research, followed by a descriptive, qualitative approach, using primary and secondary data. To accomplish this, research was done on three types of economic scenarios as well as information on consumer trends and information from the entrepreneurial area through conversations with professionals and entrepreneurs in the gastronomic area, with which it was possible to develop the four present plans of the plan of business. Thus, the viability of the business was projected in three scenarios: the pessimistic, the realistic and the optimistic, in which it was found that the viability of the business only occurs in two of the three scenarios presented, the normal and optimistic scenario.Plano de Negócio Acesso embargado Plano de negócios de uma microcervejaria na cidade de Santo Amaro da Imperatriz(2019) Broering, Luiz AugustoThis project is based on the elaboration of a feasibility analysis of opening a microbrewery in the city of Santo Amaro da Imperatriz. Through the structure divided into market analysis, marketing plan, operational plan and financial plan, a business plan was elaborated, a tool that displays the necessary aspects to outline the enterprise and visualize how it will be displayed in the market, considering different scenarios.