Automedicação e a influência do marketing dos medicamentos.
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SILVA, Luana Bile da
SILVA, Thais Emilly Gomes
DUARTE , Gabriella Mendes
A automedicação está estabelecida na população a anos, portanto é
encarado como um problema mundial. A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS)
define como automedicação o uso de preparos sem a prescrição de um médico
ou dentista. Os medicamentos são consideravelmente significativos no
tratamento das doenças, sendo responsáveis pela melhora da qualidade de vida
da população, lembrando que, para ter uma agradável qualidade de vida possui
outros cuidados além de se medicar da forma correta. Entretanto a maior parte a
população conclui que os fármacos são a solução para quaisquer doenças.
Porém, entende-se que o uso indiscriminado pode ocasionar riscos à saúde. A
prática da automedicação tem preocupado, já que atualmente se tem um fácil
acesso a informação devido ao marketing e propaganda sobre os insumos, além
do alcance facilitado aos produtos farmacêuticos. Poucos que se automedicam
tem conhecimento dos altos riscos desses hábitos para a saúde. Nesta
pandemia pode ser observado o quanto que as pessoas são facilmente
influenciadas quando o assunto é o uso irracional de medicamentos. Redes
sociais tem um grande impacto nesse quesito, visto que basta um clique para
compartilhar informações equivocadas pelas redes sociais. De fato, podem ser
dividida boas informações pela internet, mas não sobre medicamentos que é
algo que só pode falar em relação ao o assunto quem possui um conhecimento
mais esclarecido, que nesse caso é o farmacêutico. Por essa razão a
importância deste profissional dentro das farmácias e drogarias. Este trabalho
tem como objetivo discorrer os riscos vinculados a automedicação, que baseia-se na ingestão de fármacos para o recurso terapêutico de sintomas ou patologias sem a assistência de um profissional de saúde habilitado para este fim
This work aims to discuss the risks associated with self-medication, which is based on the injection of drugs for the therapeutic use of symptoms or pathologies without the assistance of a qualified health professional for this purpose. Self-medication has been established in the population for years, so it is seen as a worldwide problem. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines self-medication as the use of preparations without the prescription of a doctor or dentist. Medicines are considerably significant in the treatment of diseases, being responsible for improving the quality of life of the population, remembering that, in order to have a pleasant quality of life, it has other costs in addition to medication in the correct way. However, the majority of the population concludes that drugs are the solution to any disease. However, we understand that indiscriminate use can cause health risks. The practice of self-medication has been a concern, since currently there is an easy reach to pharmaceutical products, this is due to the large number of pharmacies and drugstores. Few who self-medicate are aware of the high risks of these habits to health. In this pandemic that we are experiencing, it can be seen how easily people are influenced when it comes to the irrational use of medicines, social networks have a great impact in this regard, since one click is enough to share the wrong information via whatsapp and also among other social networks. In fact, good information can be shared over the internet, but not about medications, which is something that can only be talked about in relation to the subject, who has a more knowledgeable knowledge, which in this case is the pharmacist. For this reason, the importance of this professional within pharmacies and drugstores.
This work aims to discuss the risks associated with self-medication, which is based on the injection of drugs for the therapeutic use of symptoms or pathologies without the assistance of a qualified health professional for this purpose. Self-medication has been established in the population for years, so it is seen as a worldwide problem. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines self-medication as the use of preparations without the prescription of a doctor or dentist. Medicines are considerably significant in the treatment of diseases, being responsible for improving the quality of life of the population, remembering that, in order to have a pleasant quality of life, it has other costs in addition to medication in the correct way. However, the majority of the population concludes that drugs are the solution to any disease. However, we understand that indiscriminate use can cause health risks. The practice of self-medication has been a concern, since currently there is an easy reach to pharmaceutical products, this is due to the large number of pharmacies and drugstores. Few who self-medicate are aware of the high risks of these habits to health. In this pandemic that we are experiencing, it can be seen how easily people are influenced when it comes to the irrational use of medicines, social networks have a great impact in this regard, since one click is enough to share the wrong information via whatsapp and also among other social networks. In fact, good information can be shared over the internet, but not about medications, which is something that can only be talked about in relation to the subject, who has a more knowledgeable knowledge, which in this case is the pharmacist. For this reason, the importance of this professional within pharmacies and drugstores.
automedicação, farmacêutico, uso irracional, marketing