Mobilização precoce como estratégia em pacientes acamados.
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SANTOS, Gabrielle dos Anjos
PEREIRA, Isabela Costa
FRAGA NETO, Juliana Gabriela
HADDAD, Nicole Christine
MARINS, Ziléia Dutra de
FELIX, Bruno Perez
O presente trabalho trata-se de uma revisão literária baseada em artigos publicados nas bases de dados PubMed e SciElo e tem como objetivo principal a exemplificação da melhora que determinado grupo de pacientes teve ao realizar técnicas de mobilização precoce. A mobilização precoce lida com o tratamento do paciente de forma antecipada, a fim de prevenir possíveis riscos. A técnica consiste em mobilizações ativas e passivas que se iniciam após a confirmação de estabilização fisiológica. Pacientes hospitalizados com as mais diversas patologias são amplamente elegíveis para a MP podendo, assim, diminuir níveis de morbidades. O principal critério de seleção para inclusão dos artigos no presente trabalho foi a presença de um grupo controle com uma diversidade de idade e etnia considerável para que a pesquisa não fosse enviesada a um grupo específico de pacientes. Como resultados, a pesquisa evidenciou que a mobilização precoce é uma estratégia eficaz para a mitigação dos danos causados pela imobilização hospitalar prolongada, sendo recomendável aos profissionais por sua aplicação promover a diminuição do risco de mortalidade, do tempo de internação e, ainda, na melhora da qualidade de vida após a alta hospitalar.
The present work is a literary review based on articles published in the PubMed and Scielo databases, and has as main objective the exemplification of the improvement that a certain group of patients had when performing early mobilization techniques. Early mobilization deals with patient treatment in advance in order to prevent possible risks. The technique consists of active and passive mobilizations that begin after confirmation of physiological stabilization. Hospitalized patients with the most diverse pathologies are widely eligible for EM and can thus reduce morbidity levels. The main selection criterion for inclusion of articles in this study was the presence of a control group with a considerable diversity of age and ethnicity so that the research was not biased to a specific group of patients. As a result, the research showed that early mobilization is an effective strategy for mitigating the damage caused by prolonged hospital immobilization, being recommended to professionals for its application to promote the reduction of the risk of mortality, length of hospital stay and also in improving the quality of life after hospital discharge.
The present work is a literary review based on articles published in the PubMed and Scielo databases, and has as main objective the exemplification of the improvement that a certain group of patients had when performing early mobilization techniques. Early mobilization deals with patient treatment in advance in order to prevent possible risks. The technique consists of active and passive mobilizations that begin after confirmation of physiological stabilization. Hospitalized patients with the most diverse pathologies are widely eligible for EM and can thus reduce morbidity levels. The main selection criterion for inclusion of articles in this study was the presence of a control group with a considerable diversity of age and ethnicity so that the research was not biased to a specific group of patients. As a result, the research showed that early mobilization is an effective strategy for mitigating the damage caused by prolonged hospital immobilization, being recommended to professionals for its application to promote the reduction of the risk of mortality, length of hospital stay and also in improving the quality of life after hospital discharge.
Fisioterapia, Mobilização precoce, Pacientes hospitalizados, Recuperação hospitalar, Revisão literária