Atenção nutricional à pessoa idosa na atenção primária a saúde: revisão de literatura.
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DAVID, Ana Katarina de Barros, CARVALHO, Patrícia Karla Tavares de
MEDEIROS, Carla Myrrailla Lima Maia , SANTOS, Renata Silva dos
OLIVEIRA, Hanna Leticia Medeiros
OLIVEIRA, Larissa de
O processo de envelhecimento tende a desencadear distúrbios e/ou alterações nutricionais, aumentando
a disposição e vulnerabilidade para incidência de patologias diversas, afetando a qualidade de vida da pessoa idosa.
A atenção e o acompanhamento nutricional dos idosos assistidos pela Atenção Primária a Saúde revela-se fator
fundamental para o melhoramento e manutenção da saude desse grupo populacional. O objetivo com este trabalho
foi identificar as estratégias de acompanhamento e intervenção nutricional de idosos no campo da Atenção Primária
à Saúde, através de evidências científicas disponíveis na literatura. O trabalho trata de uma revisão integrativa, cuja
busca se deu nas bases Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, Scielo e Google Acadêmico, através dos descritores: “Idoso”,
“Nutrição do idoso”, “Atenção Básica” “Cuidado nutricional”. Foram considerados para seleção artigos científicos
dentro do recorte temporal de 2016-2023, publicados em português. Identificou-se dentre as ações de Atenção
Nutricional na Atencao Primária, o uso de medidas antropométricas com destaque ao Indíce de Massa Corporal, o
uso da Mini Avaliação Nutricional e grupos de educação em saúde. Conclui-se que é preciso fortalecer o caráter
estratégico da integralidade do cuidado a pessoa idosa, adotando ferramentas amplas e eficazes no âmbito da
avaliação nutricional, bem como tornar mais frequente a presença do profissional nutricionista junto as equipes de
saúde da família, desenvolvendo estratégias de intervenção e tratamentos para melhorar o perfil nutricional dos
The aging process tends to trigger either nutritional disorders or changes, increasing the disposition and vulnerability to the incidence of various pathologies, affecting the elderly’s quality of life. The attention and nutritional monitoring of the elderly assisted by Primary Health Care proves to be a fundamental factor in improving and maintaining the health of this population group. The objective of this work was to identify nutritional monitoring and intervention strategies for the elderly in the field of Primary Health Care through scientific evidence available in the literature. The work is an integrative review, the search for which was carried out in the Virtual Health Library, Scielo, and Google Scholar databases, using the descriptors “Elderly”, “Nutrition for the elderly”, “Primary Care”, and “Nutritional Care”. Scientific articles within the 2016-2023 time frame and published in Portuguese were considered for selection. Among the Nutritional Care actions in Primary Care, the use of anthropometric measurements with emphasis on the Body Mass Index, the use of the Mini Nutritional Assessment, and health education groups were identified. We concluded that it is necessary to strengthen the strategic nature of comprehensive care for the elderly, adopting broad and effective tools in the scope of nutritional assessment, as well as making the presence of professional nutritionists with family health teams more frequent, developing intervention strategies and treatments to improve the nutritional profile of the elderly.
The aging process tends to trigger either nutritional disorders or changes, increasing the disposition and vulnerability to the incidence of various pathologies, affecting the elderly’s quality of life. The attention and nutritional monitoring of the elderly assisted by Primary Health Care proves to be a fundamental factor in improving and maintaining the health of this population group. The objective of this work was to identify nutritional monitoring and intervention strategies for the elderly in the field of Primary Health Care through scientific evidence available in the literature. The work is an integrative review, the search for which was carried out in the Virtual Health Library, Scielo, and Google Scholar databases, using the descriptors “Elderly”, “Nutrition for the elderly”, “Primary Care”, and “Nutritional Care”. Scientific articles within the 2016-2023 time frame and published in Portuguese were considered for selection. Among the Nutritional Care actions in Primary Care, the use of anthropometric measurements with emphasis on the Body Mass Index, the use of the Mini Nutritional Assessment, and health education groups were identified. We concluded that it is necessary to strengthen the strategic nature of comprehensive care for the elderly, adopting broad and effective tools in the scope of nutritional assessment, as well as making the presence of professional nutritionists with family health teams more frequent, developing intervention strategies and treatments to improve the nutritional profile of the elderly.
Idoso, atenção nutricional, atenção primária à saúde, nutricionista