A relevância da atividade notarial para exercício da advocacia – desjudicialização e extrajudicialização.
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BARBOSA, Daniele Rocha
LOIOLA, Priscila Daniele Bento de Sousa
SILVA, Ana Marilia Dutra Ferreira
A presente pesquisa aborda questões pertinentes à esfera extrajudicial, à desjudicialização, à atividade notarial e à advocacia extrajudicial, levando em consideração que são temas interligados. Dada a importância do tema, é crucial explorar e destacar essa demanda fundamental para a sociedade, que está diretamente relacionada ao acesso à justiça, à realização de direitos, à eficiência e efetividade do processo, bem como, a prevenção e resolução de conflitos. A problemática da temática abordada está no crescimento de ações judiciais, na inefetividade da justiça brasileira, da sobrecarga do judiciário e morosidade para resolução dos processos. Com o intuito de analisar as implicações e dificuldades do exercício da advocacia na esfera extrajudicial, refletindo sobre o crescimento da demanda da via judicial, uma vez que existem meios alternativos de resolução de conflitos, oportunizados pelo processo de desjudicialização e extrajudicialização que resultam em economia de tempo e despesas. Apresenta como objetivo geral, ponderar a relação entre a desjudicialização, a extrajudicialização e acesso à uma justiça efetiva e célere, refletindo sobre implicações da advocacia extrajudicial e demonstrando as contribuições e demandas atuais da atividade notarial. Em seus objetivos específicos destaca o processo de extrajudicialização e desjudicialização como ferramenta de acesso a uma justiça efetiva e célere em consonância com a constituição. Reflete a advocacia extrajudicial com ênfase na atividade notarial no processo de desjudicialização, com uma breve explanação do panorama da realidade atual de tempo médio e quantidade de processos em ambas as esferas do direito. Analisa as implicações do exercício da advocacia nos procedimentos e demandas relacionadas a extrajudicialização, especificamente na atividade notarial.
This research addresses issues relevant to the extrajudicial sphere, dejudicialization, notarial activity, and extrajudicial advocacy, considering that they are interconnected topics. Given the importance of the subject, it is crucial to explore and highlight this fundamental demand for society, which is directly related to access to justice, the realization of rights, the efficiency and effectiveness of the process, as well as the prevention and resolution of conflicts. The problem of the theme addressed lies in the growth of lawsuits, the ineffectiveness of the Brazilian justice system, the overload of the judiciary, and the slowness in resolving processes. In order to analyze the implications and difficulties of exercising law in the extrajudicial sphere, reflecting on the growth of demand for the judicial route, since there are alternative means of conflict resolution, made possible by the dejudicialization and extrajudicialization process that result in time and expense savings. It presents as a general objective, to ponder the relationship between dejudicialization, extrajudicialization, and access to effective and speedy justice, reflecting on the implications of extrajudicial advocacy and demonstrating the current contributions and demands of notarial activity. In its specific objectives, it highlights the process of extrajudicialization and dejudicialization as a tool for access to effective and speedy justice in accordance with the constitution. It reflects extrajudicial advocacy with an emphasis on notarial activity in the dejudicialization process, with a brief explanation of the current reality of average time and quantity of processes in both areas of law. It analyzes the implications of exercising law in procedures and demands related to extrajudicialization, specifically in notarial activity.
This research addresses issues relevant to the extrajudicial sphere, dejudicialization, notarial activity, and extrajudicial advocacy, considering that they are interconnected topics. Given the importance of the subject, it is crucial to explore and highlight this fundamental demand for society, which is directly related to access to justice, the realization of rights, the efficiency and effectiveness of the process, as well as the prevention and resolution of conflicts. The problem of the theme addressed lies in the growth of lawsuits, the ineffectiveness of the Brazilian justice system, the overload of the judiciary, and the slowness in resolving processes. In order to analyze the implications and difficulties of exercising law in the extrajudicial sphere, reflecting on the growth of demand for the judicial route, since there are alternative means of conflict resolution, made possible by the dejudicialization and extrajudicialization process that result in time and expense savings. It presents as a general objective, to ponder the relationship between dejudicialization, extrajudicialization, and access to effective and speedy justice, reflecting on the implications of extrajudicial advocacy and demonstrating the current contributions and demands of notarial activity. In its specific objectives, it highlights the process of extrajudicialization and dejudicialization as a tool for access to effective and speedy justice in accordance with the constitution. It reflects extrajudicial advocacy with an emphasis on notarial activity in the dejudicialization process, with a brief explanation of the current reality of average time and quantity of processes in both areas of law. It analyzes the implications of exercising law in procedures and demands related to extrajudicialization, specifically in notarial activity.
advocacia extrajudicial, desjudicialização, extrajudicialização, atividade notarial