Análises de metanfetamina como droga de abuso, em sangue, urina e fios de cabelo com finalidade forense.
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LIMA, Hemelly Ewellyn Faustino de
MAFRA, Maria Heloisa de Freitas
PEREIRA, Hannaly Wana Bezerra
A Metanfetamina é uma droga de abuso ilícita que age através da liberação de
monoaminas para a fenda sináptica causando dependência. Tendo uma estrutura
química semelhante a da anfetamia, a MA se diferencia pelo seu grupamento metila.
Essa droga apresenta varias vias de administração, podendo ser ingerida, fumada ou
injetada, sendo facilmente excretada pela urina e em menor quantidade pelo suor e
saliva. Seus graus de toxicidade variam de acordo com a dosagem administrada que
pode ir de tóxicidade aguda a subaguda, causando problemas fisiológicos e psicológicos
ou levar o usuário a morte. Neste artigo de revisão propõe-se realizar uma abordagem
acerca de como o perito criminal forense atua na análise de identificação da
metanfetamina como droga de abuso em matrizes biológicas de sangue, urina e fios de
Methamphetamine is a drug of illicit abuse that acts by releasing monoamines into the synaptic cleft causing addiction. Having a chemical structure similar to that of amphetamine, MA is differentiated by its methyl group. This drug has several routes of administration, which can be ingested, smoked or injected, being easily excreted in the urine and in lesser quantity by sweat and saliva. Their degrees of toxicity vary according to the dosage administered, which can range from acute to subacute toxicity, causing physiological and psychological problems or leading the user to death. This review article proposes an approach on how the forensic criminal expert works in the analysis of the identification of methamphetamine as a drug of abuse in biological matrices of blood, urine and hair.
Methamphetamine is a drug of illicit abuse that acts by releasing monoamines into the synaptic cleft causing addiction. Having a chemical structure similar to that of amphetamine, MA is differentiated by its methyl group. This drug has several routes of administration, which can be ingested, smoked or injected, being easily excreted in the urine and in lesser quantity by sweat and saliva. Their degrees of toxicity vary according to the dosage administered, which can range from acute to subacute toxicity, causing physiological and psychological problems or leading the user to death. This review article proposes an approach on how the forensic criminal expert works in the analysis of the identification of methamphetamine as a drug of abuse in biological matrices of blood, urine and hair.
metanfetamina como droga de abuso, perito criminal forense, análise da metanfetamina em matrizes biológicas