Fonoaudiologia estética: recursos não invasivos aplicados à estética facial
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Marinho, Auristela da Silva Ferreira
Silva, Beatriz Raiara de Queiroz
Cruz, Raphaela da Silva
Barbosa, Zilane
O objetivo deste trabalho é enaltecer os recursos fonoaudiológicos não
invasivos, descrevendo as técnicas mais utilizadas na Motricidade Orofacial
voltados para a estética facial. Este estudo trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica.
Foram realizadas pesquisas científicas em todos os periódicos nacionais na área
da Fonoaudiologia Estética ativos e inativos. O levantamento das publicações foi
feito pelas pesquisadoras durante o período de março a junho de 2022 nas bases
de dados BVS, PUBMED, LILACS, MEDLINE, SciELO e Google Acadêmico.
Para o tratamento fonoaudiológico estético da face, utiliza-se um protocolo de
exercícios faciais para a estética (exercícios dinâmicos e estáticos), direcionados
para a testa e papada, olhos, bochechas e lábios, manipulação de soltura e
alongamento muscular facial. A fonoterapia tem o intuito de adequar os órgãos
fonoarticulatórios, buscando aprimorar funções e alcançar o equilíbrio oral mais
satisfatório, pois durante a intervenção trabalha exercícios isotônicos como a
aeróbica facial, isométricos e isocinéticos, massagens, manipulações faciais e
equilíbrio funcional estomatognático, incluindo o treinamento mastigatório.
Conclui-se que a intervenção fonoaudiológica aplicada à estética facial
apresenta bons resultados, trazendo benefícios satisfatórios ao paciente. Deste
modo, a atuação da Fonoaudiologia na estética facial torna-se relevante, pois a
eficiência dos exercícios na musculatura facial visa diminuir a flacidez muscular,
rugas e marcas de expressão.
The objective of this work is to praise non-invasive speech therapy resources, describing the most used techniques in Orofacial Motricity aimed at facial aesthetics. This study is a literature review. Scientific research was carried out in all active and inactive national journals in the field of Aesthetic Speech Therapy and Audiology. The survey of publications was carried out by the researchers during the period from March to June 2022 in the BVS, PUBMED, LILACS, MEDLINE, SciELO and Google Scholar databases. For the aesthetic speech therapy of the face, a protocol of facial exercises for aesthetics (dynamic and static exercises) is used, directed to the forehead and jowls, eyes, cheeks and lips, loosening manipulation and facial muscle stretching. Speech therapy aims to adapt the phonoarticulatory organs, seeking to improve functions and achieve a more satisfactory oral balance, because during the intervention deals with isotonic exercises such as facial aerobics, isometric and isokinetic exercises, massages, facial manipulations and stomatognathic functional balance, including the masticatory training. It is concluded that speech therapy applied to facial aesthetics presents good results, bringing satisfactory benefits to the patient. Thus, the role of Speech Therapy and Audiology in facial aesthetics becomes relevant, as the efficiency of exercises in facial muscles aims to reduce muscle flaccidity, wrinkles and expression marks.
The objective of this work is to praise non-invasive speech therapy resources, describing the most used techniques in Orofacial Motricity aimed at facial aesthetics. This study is a literature review. Scientific research was carried out in all active and inactive national journals in the field of Aesthetic Speech Therapy and Audiology. The survey of publications was carried out by the researchers during the period from March to June 2022 in the BVS, PUBMED, LILACS, MEDLINE, SciELO and Google Scholar databases. For the aesthetic speech therapy of the face, a protocol of facial exercises for aesthetics (dynamic and static exercises) is used, directed to the forehead and jowls, eyes, cheeks and lips, loosening manipulation and facial muscle stretching. Speech therapy aims to adapt the phonoarticulatory organs, seeking to improve functions and achieve a more satisfactory oral balance, because during the intervention deals with isotonic exercises such as facial aerobics, isometric and isokinetic exercises, massages, facial manipulations and stomatognathic functional balance, including the masticatory training. It is concluded that speech therapy applied to facial aesthetics presents good results, bringing satisfactory benefits to the patient. Thus, the role of Speech Therapy and Audiology in facial aesthetics becomes relevant, as the efficiency of exercises in facial muscles aims to reduce muscle flaccidity, wrinkles and expression marks.
Fonoaudiologia, Estética miofuncional, Estética facial, Motricidade Orofacial