Atuação da fisioterapia em crianças com síndrome de down: uma revisão integrativa de literatura.
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SOUZA, Andreia Bastos de
PINTO, Rebeka Rayanne Marinho
FONSECA, Jéssica Danielle Medeiros da
Introdução: A Síndrome de Down (SD) é uma alteração genética presente na espécie
humana desde sua origem. Foi descrita como tal há 150 anos, quando John Langdon
Down, em 1866, se referiu a ela pela primeira vez como um quadro clínico com identidade
própria. Desde então, se tem avançado em seu conhecimento, ainda que existam
mecanismos íntimos a descobrir. Em 1958 o francês Jérôme Lejeune e a inglesa Pat Jacobs
descobriram a origem cromossômica da síndrome, que passou a ser considerada genética.
Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo relatar os benefícios e o uso das técnicas da
fisioterapia em pacientes com Síndrome de Down. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma
revisão integrativa de literatura, com buscas realizadas nos portais Scielo, Pubmed, entre
outros, sendo utilizados os descritores em inglês: Down Syndrome, Physiotherapy, Motor
Evolution e suas respectivas traduções em português. Resultados: Foram inclusos e
analisados 8 artigos, em que de acordo com eles pode-se observar que os melhores
métodos para o desenvolvimento motor das crianças com a Síndrome Down. Tendo a
inclusão na escola e no ambiente familiar, fazendo com a criança com SD tenha a
experiência com as demais crianças no intuito de melhorar desenvolvimento motor. Foi
ainda observado que a fisioterapia nas crianças que apresentam a SD favorece a uma
qualidade de vida melhor e desenvolvimento motor avançados, quando comparado àquelas
que que não fazem a fisioterapia, onde fica notório a funcionalidade desenvolvida através
do uso da fisioterapia aquática e quando estimuladas de forma correta.
Conclusão: De acordo com os artigos estudados podemos concluir a importância do
incentivo e inclusão de crianças com a Síndrome de Down para favorecer o seu
desenvolvimento motor, tendo a fisioterapia efeitos favoráveis para melhora do
desenvolvimento motor com auxílio do âmbito familiar.
Background: Down Syndrome (DS) is a genetic alteration present in the human species since its origin. It was described as such 150 years ago, when John Langdon Down, in 1866, referred to it for the first time as a clinical picture with its own identity. Since then, there has been progress in its knowledge, although there are intimate mechanisms to discover. In 1958, the French Jérôme Lejeune and the English Pat Jacobs discovered the chromosomal origin of the syndrome, which came to be considered genetic. Objective: This study aims to report the benefits and use of physical therapy techniques in patients with Down Syndrome. Methodology: A integrative literature review was carried out, with searches performed in the Scielo and Pubmed portals, among others, using the descriptors in English: Down Syndrome, Physiotherapy, Motor Evolution, and their respective translations in Portuguese. Results: Eight articles were included and analyzed, in which, according to them, the best methods for the motor development of children with Down Syndrome can be observed. Having the inclusion in school and in the family environment, making the child with DS have the experience with other children to ‘improve motor development. It was also observed that physical therapy in children with DS favors a better quality of life and advanced motor development, when compared to those who do not undergo physical therapy, where the functionality developed through the use of aquatic physiotherapy is notorious and when stimulated correctly. Conclusion: According to the articles studied, we can conclude the importance of encouraging and including children with Down’s Syndrome to favor their motor development, with physical therapy having favorable effects to improve motor development with the help of the family environment.
Background: Down Syndrome (DS) is a genetic alteration present in the human species since its origin. It was described as such 150 years ago, when John Langdon Down, in 1866, referred to it for the first time as a clinical picture with its own identity. Since then, there has been progress in its knowledge, although there are intimate mechanisms to discover. In 1958, the French Jérôme Lejeune and the English Pat Jacobs discovered the chromosomal origin of the syndrome, which came to be considered genetic. Objective: This study aims to report the benefits and use of physical therapy techniques in patients with Down Syndrome. Methodology: A integrative literature review was carried out, with searches performed in the Scielo and Pubmed portals, among others, using the descriptors in English: Down Syndrome, Physiotherapy, Motor Evolution, and their respective translations in Portuguese. Results: Eight articles were included and analyzed, in which, according to them, the best methods for the motor development of children with Down Syndrome can be observed. Having the inclusion in school and in the family environment, making the child with DS have the experience with other children to ‘improve motor development. It was also observed that physical therapy in children with DS favors a better quality of life and advanced motor development, when compared to those who do not undergo physical therapy, where the functionality developed through the use of aquatic physiotherapy is notorious and when stimulated correctly. Conclusion: According to the articles studied, we can conclude the importance of encouraging and including children with Down’s Syndrome to favor their motor development, with physical therapy having favorable effects to improve motor development with the help of the family environment.
síndrome de down, fisioterapia, cromossomo 21