A importância da presença do profissional fisioterapeuta na assistência ao trabalho de parto: revisão de literatura.
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DORNELES, Dorlândia Paiva
MOMCILOVIC, Gilvanna Oliveira de Aquino
BEZERRA, Lívia Oliveira
OLIVEIRA, Raylane da Costa
O parto é um acontecimento que provoca expectativas desde o início da gravidez
e marca profundamente a vida das mulheres, quer por sentimentos positivos ou negativos.
Pensando no atual cenário de assistência à parturiente no Brasil, nada melhor que evidenciar a
importância do profissional fisioterapeuta na assistência ao trabalho de parto, visto que este
pode auxiliar no preparo do corpo, obter sucesso durante o parto reduzindo as disfunções
uroginecológicas, morbimortalidade materno-infantil, melhorar satisfação materna e trazer
mais humanidade a essa assistência. Objetivo: Realizar um levantamento literário de como a
fisioterapia pode atuar na assistência à parturiente, bem como descrever e discutir a relevância
das ações da fisioterapia para a diminuição da dor, redução do tempo de trabalho de parto e da
real necessidade em se ter fisioterapeutas nas maternidades. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma
revisão de literatura, de natureza básica e estudo qualitativo com análise descritiva sobre a
atuação da fisioterapia no trabalho de parto ativo e expulsivo. Foram utilizadas as seguintes
bases de dados: SCIELO (Scientifc Eletrinic Library Online), LILACS (Literatura LatinoAmericana e do Caribe de Informação em Ciências da Saúde), PUBMED (Publicações
Médicas), BVS (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde) e ScienceDirect. Os descritores utilizados para a
busca e reconhecimento dos artigos, de acordo com o Decs (Descritores em Ciências da Saúde)
foram: fisioterapia, trabalho de parto, dor do parto, parto, physiotherapy, obstetric labor,
childbirth, sendo utilizados os seguintes booleanos: AND, de acordo com dois idiomas
selecionados, português e inglês. Resultados: Na busca realizada em agosto de 2021, foram encontrados 10 artigos no site da base de dados Scielo, 24 artigos na base de dados BVS, 2.165
artigos na base de dados ScienceDirect e 10 artigos na base de dados Pubmed. Por fim, foram
selecionados 7 artigos. Conclusão: Com base na análise dos artigos estudados, chega-se à
conclusão do quanto é importante a presença do profissional fisioterapeuta na assistência à
saúde das parturientes, nas equipes multiprofissionais e nas maternidades.
Childbirth is an event that raises expectations since the beginning of pregnancy and deeply marks women's lives, whether through positive or negative feelings. Thinking about the current scenario of assistance to parturient women in Brazil, nothing better than highlighting the importance of the physiotherapist in labor assistance, as this can help in the preparation of the body, achieve success during childbirth, reducing urogynecological dysfunctions, maternal morbidity and mortality child, improve maternal satisfaction and bring more humanity to this care. Objective: To carry out a literary survey of how physiotherapy can act in the care of parturient women, as well as to describe and discuss the relevance of physiotherapy actions to reduce pain, reduce the time of labor and the real need to have physiotherapists in the maternity hospitals. Methodology: This is a literature review, of a basic nature and qualitative study with descriptive analysis on the role of physiotherapy in active and expulsive labor. The following databases were used: SCIELO (Scientifc Electronic Library Online), LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences Information), PUBMED (Medical Publications), BVS (Virtual Health Library) and ScienceDirect. The descriptors used for the search and recognition of the articles, according to the Decs (Descriptors in health sciences) were: physiotherapy, labor, labor pain, childbirth, physiotherapy, obstetric labor, childbirth, using the following Booleans: AND, according to two selected languages, Portuguese and English. Results: In the search carried out in August 2021, 10 articles were found on the Scielo database website, 24 articles on the BVS database, 2165 articles on the ScienceDirect database and 10 articles on the Pubmed database. Finally, 7 articles were selected. Conclusion: Based on the analysis of the studied articles, it is possible to conclude how important the presence of the physiotherapist professional is in the health care of parturient women, in multidisciplinary teams and in maternity hospitals.
Childbirth is an event that raises expectations since the beginning of pregnancy and deeply marks women's lives, whether through positive or negative feelings. Thinking about the current scenario of assistance to parturient women in Brazil, nothing better than highlighting the importance of the physiotherapist in labor assistance, as this can help in the preparation of the body, achieve success during childbirth, reducing urogynecological dysfunctions, maternal morbidity and mortality child, improve maternal satisfaction and bring more humanity to this care. Objective: To carry out a literary survey of how physiotherapy can act in the care of parturient women, as well as to describe and discuss the relevance of physiotherapy actions to reduce pain, reduce the time of labor and the real need to have physiotherapists in the maternity hospitals. Methodology: This is a literature review, of a basic nature and qualitative study with descriptive analysis on the role of physiotherapy in active and expulsive labor. The following databases were used: SCIELO (Scientifc Electronic Library Online), LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences Information), PUBMED (Medical Publications), BVS (Virtual Health Library) and ScienceDirect. The descriptors used for the search and recognition of the articles, according to the Decs (Descriptors in health sciences) were: physiotherapy, labor, labor pain, childbirth, physiotherapy, obstetric labor, childbirth, using the following Booleans: AND, according to two selected languages, Portuguese and English. Results: In the search carried out in August 2021, 10 articles were found on the Scielo database website, 24 articles on the BVS database, 2165 articles on the ScienceDirect database and 10 articles on the Pubmed database. Finally, 7 articles were selected. Conclusion: Based on the analysis of the studied articles, it is possible to conclude how important the presence of the physiotherapist professional is in the health care of parturient women, in multidisciplinary teams and in maternity hospitals.
fisioterapia, trabalho de parto, dor do parto, parto