Levantamento epidemiológico da corporação de bombeiros militares e policiais militares do Rio Grande do Norte acometidos por covid -19.
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SILVA, Carlos Victor Mascena da
SOUZA, Ingrid Caroline Garrido
RODRIGUEZ, João Paulo de Sá
CUNHA, Daniela Gibson
Trata-se de um levantamento epidemiológico onde irá analisar as sequelas referentes a
Covid-19, visto que existe diversas possibilidades de sintomatologia e consequências
resultantes da mesma. Tendo como objetivo avaliar e descrever o impacto funcional nos
militares, entre eles 20 integrantes do corpo de bombeiros e 30 policiais, resultando em 50
entrevistados voluntariamente, usando como critério de inclusão o exame comprobatório
positivo RT-PCR. A presente pesquisa, caracterizada como estudo observacional
longitudinal, foi aprovada pelo comitê de ética da Universidade Potiguar do Rio Grande do
Norte, pelo parecer de número: 5.007.855 e CAAE: 47663221.9.0000.5296. A coleta se
deu através de um questionário de criação própria, contendo 13 questões de múltipla
escolha direcionadas a informações específicas da vivência do entrevistado com a doença,
além da área de identificação. Logo após,A distribuição de normalidade dos dados foi
avaliada a partir da utilização do teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov. As variáveis quantitativas
foram comparadas por meio do teste t para amostras independentes e os resultados foram
apresentados em forma de média e desvio-padrão (DP). Já para a comparação das variáveis
categóricos foi realizada a partir do teste Qui-quadrado, sendo seus resultados apresentados
em valores absolutos (n) e relativos (%). Todas as análises foram executadas utilizando o
programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), versão 21.0, considerando um
intervalo de confiança de 95% e um nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05).
This is an epidemiological survey which will analyze the sequelae related to Covid-19, as there are several possibilities of symptomatology and consequences resulting from it. Aiming to evaluate and describe the functional impact on the military, including 20 members of the fire department and 30 police officers, resulting in 50 voluntarily interviewed, using as inclusion criteria the positive evidential test RT-PCR. This research, characterized as a longitudinal observational study, was approved by the ethics committee of the Potiguar University of Rio Grande do Norte, under opinion number: 5.007,855 and CAAE: 47663221.9.0000.5296. Data were collected through a self-created questionnaire, containing 13 multiple-choice questions aimed at specific information about the interviewee's experience with the disease, in addition to the identification area. Afterwards, the normality distribution of the data was evaluated using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Quantitative variables were compared using the t test for independent samples and the results were presented as mean and standard deviation (SD). For the comparison of categorical variables, the Chi-square test was used, with the results presented in absolute (n) and relative (%) values. All analyzes were performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 21.0, considering a 95% confidence interval and a significance level of 5% (p<0.05).
This is an epidemiological survey which will analyze the sequelae related to Covid-19, as there are several possibilities of symptomatology and consequences resulting from it. Aiming to evaluate and describe the functional impact on the military, including 20 members of the fire department and 30 police officers, resulting in 50 voluntarily interviewed, using as inclusion criteria the positive evidential test RT-PCR. This research, characterized as a longitudinal observational study, was approved by the ethics committee of the Potiguar University of Rio Grande do Norte, under opinion number: 5.007,855 and CAAE: 47663221.9.0000.5296. Data were collected through a self-created questionnaire, containing 13 multiple-choice questions aimed at specific information about the interviewee's experience with the disease, in addition to the identification area. Afterwards, the normality distribution of the data was evaluated using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Quantitative variables were compared using the t test for independent samples and the results were presented as mean and standard deviation (SD). For the comparison of categorical variables, the Chi-square test was used, with the results presented in absolute (n) and relative (%) values. All analyzes were performed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 21.0, considering a 95% confidence interval and a significance level of 5% (p<0.05).
bombeiros militares, policial militar, covid-19, levantamento epidemiológico