Uma revisão de literatura acerca da utilização de aines durante a gestação e lactação.
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MORAES, João Francisco Olegário de
SILVA, Nayana dos Santos
FERREIRA, Caio Fernando Martins
Os anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais (AINES), podem ser considerados como
uma das classes medicamentosas mais utilizadas no mundo. Os AINES possuem
subgrupos denominados seletivos COX-1 e não-seletivos para COX-2. Assim como
qualquer outro medicamento eles apresentam riscos mediante uso indiscriminado. As
gestantes pertencem a um grupo de pacientes delicados devido as várias alterações
anatômicas e fisiológicas deste período. Estas alterações levam recorrentemente ao
estado da dor. Com o propósito de evitar danos ao feto faz-se necessário saber que,
os AINES podem ser utilizados em até seis semanas antes da data provável do parto.
Este projeto tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre o uso de antiinflamatórios não esteroides (AINEs) em gestantes, abordando os riscos e reações
que podem ser causados por estes. Constitui-se ainda de um estudo com base em
coleta de dados obtidas a partir das seguintes fontes secundárias: The Preprint Server
For Health Sciences (medRxiv), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), PubMed
e Google Acadêmico. Registros da OMS indicam que aproximadamente 85% das
gestantes fazem uso de um ou mais medicamentos, por vezes, sem orientação
médica, o que caracteriza uma realidade preocupante. Dessa forma o acesso e
orientação do farmacêutico é de suma importância, para contribuição direta na
racionalização e intervenção terapêutica. Uma vez que a farmácia clínica se mostra
como sendo um ponto chave no que tange o estudo e acompanhamento do quadro
clínico, assim como o tratamento das pacientes que estão fazendo uso desta classe
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be considered as one of the most widely used drug classes in the world NSAIDs have subgroups called selective COX1 and non-selective for COX-2. Like any other medicine, they present risks through indiscriminate use. Pregnant women belong to a group of delicate patients due to various anatomical and physiological changes. These changes repeatedly lead to the state of pain. In order to avoid damage to the fetus, it is necessary to know that NSAIDs can be used up to six weeks before the likely date of delivery. This project aims to conduct a literature review on the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in pregnant women, addressing the risks and reactions that can be caused by these. It is also a study based on data collection obtained from the following secondary sources: The Preprint Server For Health Sciences (medRxiv), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), PubMed and Google Scholar. WHO records indicate that approximately 85% of pregnant women use one or more medications, sometimes without medical advice, which is a worrying reality. Thus, the pharmacist's access and guidance is of paramount importance, for a direct contribution to rationalization and therapeutic intervention. Since the clinical pharmacy is shown to be a key point in terms of the study and monitoring of the clinical picture, as well as the treatment of patients who are using this medication class.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be considered as one of the most widely used drug classes in the world NSAIDs have subgroups called selective COX1 and non-selective for COX-2. Like any other medicine, they present risks through indiscriminate use. Pregnant women belong to a group of delicate patients due to various anatomical and physiological changes. These changes repeatedly lead to the state of pain. In order to avoid damage to the fetus, it is necessary to know that NSAIDs can be used up to six weeks before the likely date of delivery. This project aims to conduct a literature review on the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in pregnant women, addressing the risks and reactions that can be caused by these. It is also a study based on data collection obtained from the following secondary sources: The Preprint Server For Health Sciences (medRxiv), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), PubMed and Google Scholar. WHO records indicate that approximately 85% of pregnant women use one or more medications, sometimes without medical advice, which is a worrying reality. Thus, the pharmacist's access and guidance is of paramount importance, for a direct contribution to rationalization and therapeutic intervention. Since the clinical pharmacy is shown to be a key point in terms of the study and monitoring of the clinical picture, as well as the treatment of patients who are using this medication class.
aines, gravidez, lactação