Análise da toxoplasmose gestacional: quadro clínico, diagnóstico, tratamento e prevenção.
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RÊGO, Thiago Medeiros Albuquerque
LOUREIRO, Melina Bezerra
A Toxoplasmose é uma doença causada por uma infecção, com isso homens e
mulheres tem o risco de se infectar. Quase sempre é assintomática, porém, gestante
participam do grupo de risco por haver o perigo da infecção congênita, e desenvolver
problemas ou até levar a óbito. Quando há sintomas da Toxoplasmose, a mesma é
semelhante ao quando gripal como dor muscular, dor de cabeça, fadiga, febre,
gânglios cervicais aumentados ou inchaço dos gânglios; a infecção congênita pode
ocasionar deficiência mental, microcefalia, aborto espontâneo e outros problemas. O
diagnóstico é feito em base da sorologia, analisando o IgM e IgG para assim em
caso de positivar para Toxoplasmose aguda, se possa iniciar o tratamento. A reação
em cadeia de polimerase (PCR) é um método para diagnosticar a infecção fetal,
identificando a T. gondii no líquido amniótico obtido por amniocentese. Em quadros
leves não se faz um tratamento medicamentoso, por haver uma toxicidade elevada,
já em quadros graves é prescrito medicamentos antiparasitários e antibióticos.
Assim, para minimizar ou evitar esta infecção, algumas medidas de higienização
básica torna-se de grande importância.
Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by an infection, so men and women have the risk of becoming infected. She is almost always asymptomatic, but pregnant women participate in the risk group because there is a danger of congenital infection, and develop problems or even lead to death. When there are symptoms of Toxoplasmosis, it is similar to when flu-like, such as muscle pain, headache, fatigue, fever, enlarged cervical ganglia or swelling of the ganglia; congenital infection can cause mental disability, microcephaly, spontaneous abortion and other problems. The diagnosis is based on serology, analyzing IgM and IgG so that in case it is positive for acute Toxoplasmosis, treatment can be started. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a method for diagnosing fetal infection, identifying T. gondii in the amniotic fluid obtained by amniocentesis. In mild cases, no drug treatment is performed, because there is high toxicity, while in severe cases antiparasitic drugs and antibiotics are prescribed. Thus, to minimize or avoid this infection, some basic hygiene measures become of great importance.
Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by an infection, so men and women have the risk of becoming infected. She is almost always asymptomatic, but pregnant women participate in the risk group because there is a danger of congenital infection, and develop problems or even lead to death. When there are symptoms of Toxoplasmosis, it is similar to when flu-like, such as muscle pain, headache, fatigue, fever, enlarged cervical ganglia or swelling of the ganglia; congenital infection can cause mental disability, microcephaly, spontaneous abortion and other problems. The diagnosis is based on serology, analyzing IgM and IgG so that in case it is positive for acute Toxoplasmosis, treatment can be started. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a method for diagnosing fetal infection, identifying T. gondii in the amniotic fluid obtained by amniocentesis. In mild cases, no drug treatment is performed, because there is high toxicity, while in severe cases antiparasitic drugs and antibiotics are prescribed. Thus, to minimize or avoid this infection, some basic hygiene measures become of great importance.
toxoplasmose, parasitas, gestantes