A relação entre o uso de contraceptivos hormonais e a baixa incidência de câncer de ovário: uma revisão de literatura.
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CUNHA, Isabela Suely Borges da
TAVARES, Ítala Rose Diniz
BISPO, Valery da Silva
FAGUNDES, Luiz Humberto Junior
RIPARDO, Francilene Lopes
O câncer é o estado patológico caracterizado pelo descontrole relacionado à
divisão celular causada por alterações nos mecanismos de controle do ciclo-celular.
No Brasil, o câncer de ovário é a sétima causa de morte entre as mulheres, segundo
o INCA. Um estudo realizado na América do Norte, Europa, Ásia e Austrália, enfatizou
que 80% dos cânceres de ovário seroso de alto grau provavelmente se originam nas
trompas de falópio, que são suscetíveis ao impacto da ovulação incessante. A teoria
da ovulação incessante de Fathalla (1972), explica o porquê da baixa incidência e o
efeito protetor dos contraceptivos hormonais no câncer de ovário. O presente trabalho
tem por objetivo discutir o uso desses contraceptivos hormonais como forma
preventiva da doença. A metodologia utilizada foi uma revisão narrativa da literatura,
na qual foram realizadas buscas em três bases de dados bibliográficas: Serviço de
U.S National Library of Medicine (PubMed), SCIENCDIRECT e Scientific Eletronic
Library Online (Scielo). Baseado na teoria da ovulação incessante, estudos indicam
que o uso dos contraceptivos hormonais durante cinco anos reduz o câncer de ovário
por até 30 anos após a interrupção do uso, além de diminuir em 5% a incidência do
câncer para cada ano utilizado, quando comparado com mulheres que nunca usaram.
Cancer is the pathological state characterized by lack of control related to cell division caused by changes in the control mechanisms of the cell cycle. In Brazil, ovarian cancer is the seventh leading cause of death among women, according to the INCA. A study in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia, emphasized that 80% of high-grade serous ovarian cancers probably originate in the fallopian tubes, which are susceptible to the impact of incessant ovulation. Fathalla's theory of ceaseless ovulation (1972) explains the reason for the low incidence and the protective effect of hormonal contraceptives in ovarian cancer. The present work aims to discuss the use of these hormonal contraceptives as a preventive form of the disease. The methodology used was a narrative review of the literature, in which searches were carried out in three bibliographic databases: Service of U.S National Library of Medicine (PubMed), SCIENCDIRECT and Scientific Eletronic Library Online (Scielo). Based on the theory of ceaseless ovulation, studies indicate that the use of hormonal contraceptives for five years reduces ovarian cancer for up to 30 years after stopping use, in addition to decreasing the incidence of cancer by 5% for each year used, when compared with women who never used it.
Cancer is the pathological state characterized by lack of control related to cell division caused by changes in the control mechanisms of the cell cycle. In Brazil, ovarian cancer is the seventh leading cause of death among women, according to the INCA. A study in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia, emphasized that 80% of high-grade serous ovarian cancers probably originate in the fallopian tubes, which are susceptible to the impact of incessant ovulation. Fathalla's theory of ceaseless ovulation (1972) explains the reason for the low incidence and the protective effect of hormonal contraceptives in ovarian cancer. The present work aims to discuss the use of these hormonal contraceptives as a preventive form of the disease. The methodology used was a narrative review of the literature, in which searches were carried out in three bibliographic databases: Service of U.S National Library of Medicine (PubMed), SCIENCDIRECT and Scientific Eletronic Library Online (Scielo). Based on the theory of ceaseless ovulation, studies indicate that the use of hormonal contraceptives for five years reduces ovarian cancer for up to 30 years after stopping use, in addition to decreasing the incidence of cancer by 5% for each year used, when compared with women who never used it.
contraceptivos hormonais, neoplasias ovarianas, inibição da ovulação