Prescrição penal e o princípio da proteção a vítima: uma análise à luz dos crimes de natureza sexual
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LASS, Isabella Fernanda da Silva Ribeiro
LIMA, Franciele Aparecida de
GUARAGNI, Fábio André
A presente pesquisa objetivou tecer considerações acerca do instituto da prescrição no âmbito dos crimes sexuais em detrimento do princípio da proibição da vedação da proteção deficiente a vítima tendo por objetivo compreender se há proporcionalidade entre a garantia constitucional do instituto da prescrição e o dever de proteção a vítima do Estado. Para a confecção do presente trabalho fora realizada pesquisa expositiva, histórica, teórica e bibliográfica de modo que foi abordado aspectos legais e históricos acerca do jus puniendi até a institucionalização da prescrição no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro bem como os reflexos advindos nas vítimas de crimes sexuais. Desse modo, o estudo foi divido em quatro capítulos, no primeiro foi realizado um levantamento histórico sobre o nascimento do poder punitivo do qual o Estado é detentor, em seguida se discorreu sobre o instituto da prescrição penal, subsequentemente se iniciou a exposição acerca dos crimes sexuais, de modo que foi realizada uma breve abordagem histórica e posteriormente se analisou a legislação brasileira no aspecto dos crimes sexuais e o princípio da proteção à vítima. Por fim analisou-se a utilização do princípio da proporcionalidade ao se deparar de um lado com a flexibilização da legislação penal em benefício do acusado e de outro com a proibição da vedação da proteção deficiente a vítima.
The present research aimed to make considerations about the institute of prescription in the context of sexual crimes to the detriment of the principle of prohibiting the prohibition of deficient protection for the victim, with the aim of understanding whether there is proportionality between the constitutional guarantee of the institute of prescription and the duty to protect victim of the State. For the preparation of this work, expository, historical, theoretical and bibliographical research was carried out so that legal and historical aspects regarding jus puniendi were addressed until the institutionalization of prescription in the Brazilian legal system as well as the consequences arising on victims of sexual crimes. Thus, the study was divided into four chapters, in the first a historical survey was carried out on the birth of the punitive power that the State holds, then the institute of criminal prescription was discussed, subsequently the exposition about crimes began. sexual crimes, so that a brief historical approach was carried out and later Brazilian legislation was analyzed in the aspect of sexual crimes and the principle of victim protection. Finally, the use of the principle of proportionality was analyzed when faced with, on the one hand, the flexibility of criminal legislation for the benefit of the accused and, on the other, with the prohibition of prohibiting poor protection for the victim.
The present research aimed to make considerations about the institute of prescription in the context of sexual crimes to the detriment of the principle of prohibiting the prohibition of deficient protection for the victim, with the aim of understanding whether there is proportionality between the constitutional guarantee of the institute of prescription and the duty to protect victim of the State. For the preparation of this work, expository, historical, theoretical and bibliographical research was carried out so that legal and historical aspects regarding jus puniendi were addressed until the institutionalization of prescription in the Brazilian legal system as well as the consequences arising on victims of sexual crimes. Thus, the study was divided into four chapters, in the first a historical survey was carried out on the birth of the punitive power that the State holds, then the institute of criminal prescription was discussed, subsequently the exposition about crimes began. sexual crimes, so that a brief historical approach was carried out and later Brazilian legislation was analyzed in the aspect of sexual crimes and the principle of victim protection. Finally, the use of the principle of proportionality was analyzed when faced with, on the one hand, the flexibility of criminal legislation for the benefit of the accused and, on the other, with the prohibition of prohibiting poor protection for the victim.
prescrição, proporcionalidade, proteção, vítimas, crimes sexuais