A notoriedade da fisioterapia obstétrica e a sua atuação no apoio ao parto e puerpério das parturientes: uma revisão de literatura.
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ANJOS, Elivelton Pontes dos
FIGUEIREDO, Thamires Santos Machado
RIBEIRO, Murilo Paulino
DINIZ, Laura Vieira Pires
A fisioterapia obstétrica desempenha um papel importante na prevenção e tratamento
dos diversos tipos de alterações causados pela gravidez, provendo assim, uma melhor
adaptação na vida cotidiana das gestantes até o período do pós-parto. O objetivo desse
trabalho foi realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre a atuação fisioterapêutica no apoio ao
parto e pós-parto. Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica sistemática com base na analise de
dados encontrados nas plataformas SciELO, PubMed, LILACS, e foram incluídos artigos
publicados de 2005 a 2020 nos idiomas português e inglês, e foram selecionados 6 artigos
nacionais e 2 internacionais que atenderam aos critérios de elegibilidade. No estudo
verificaram-se os impactos da atuação da fisioterapia no acompanhamento de gestantes e
puérperas através do treino da MAP, programa de exercícios para diminuir as dores na lombar
e pernas apresentando efeitos positivos também na redução da depressão pós-parto. Dessa
forma, conclui-se que a atuação do profissional fisioterapeuta no período gestacional e pós
parto possui grande importância e eficácia, sendo necessário mais estudos a cerca da mesma
temática e o reconhecimento dos médicos sobre a atuação do mesmo como componente
essencial nesse processo.
Obstetric physiotherapy plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of different types of changes caused by pregnancy, thus providing a better adaptation in the daily life of pregnant women until the postpartum period. The objective of this work was to carry out a literature review on the physiotherapeutic role in childbirth and postpartum support. This is a systematic literature review based on the analysis of data found in the SciELO, PubMed, LILACS platforms, and articles published from 2005 to 2020 in Portuguese and English were included, and 6 national and 2 international articles were selected who met the eligibility criteria. In the study, the impacts of physical therapy action in monitoring pregnant and postpartum women through PFM training were verified, an exercise program to reduce pain in the lower back and legs, with positive effects also in reducing postpartum depression. Thus, it is concluded that the role of the professional physiotherapist in the gestational and postpartum period has great importance and effectiveness, requiring further studies on the same theme and the recognition of physicians about their performance as an essential component in this process.
Obstetric physiotherapy plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of different types of changes caused by pregnancy, thus providing a better adaptation in the daily life of pregnant women until the postpartum period. The objective of this work was to carry out a literature review on the physiotherapeutic role in childbirth and postpartum support. This is a systematic literature review based on the analysis of data found in the SciELO, PubMed, LILACS platforms, and articles published from 2005 to 2020 in Portuguese and English were included, and 6 national and 2 international articles were selected who met the eligibility criteria. In the study, the impacts of physical therapy action in monitoring pregnant and postpartum women through PFM training were verified, an exercise program to reduce pain in the lower back and legs, with positive effects also in reducing postpartum depression. Thus, it is concluded that the role of the professional physiotherapist in the gestational and postpartum period has great importance and effectiveness, requiring further studies on the same theme and the recognition of physicians about their performance as an essential component in this process.
modalidades de fisioterapia, gravidez, período pós-parto, dor pélvica, maternidades, parto humanizado