Plano de parto: promovendo a autonomia da gestante e a atuação essencial do enfermeiro
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VITOR, Brena Dias Carneiro
FERREIRA, Maria Eduarda Carvalho
SOARES, Carlos Eduardo Moreira
SOUZA, Elvis das Neves de
A assistência pré-natal desempenha um papel crucial para garantir resultados positivos na gestação e parto, com o enfermeiro desempenhando um papel central como educador, orientando as gestantes sobre o processo gravídico-puerperal. O plano de parto, uma ferramenta legal, permite às gestantes expressar suas preferências em relação ao parto, pós-parto e assistência ao recém-nascido, promovendo sua autonomia. O objetivo do estudo consiste em compreender de que forma o plano de parto propicia o empoderamento de gestantes, um parto mais satisfatório e humanizado e o papel do enfermeiro frente à sua elaboração. Esta pesquisa consistiu em uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre o impacto do plano de parto na autonomia das gestantes, com foco na atuação do enfermeiro. A metodologia incluiu a formulação de uma pergunta de pesquisa com base no acrônimo PICO, busca nas bases de dados Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde - LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) e PUBMED (MEDLINE) usando a palavra-chave “plano de parto” e avaliação dos resultados de acordo com critérios estabelecidos. Obteve-se uma quantidade de 5 estudos a partir dos parâmetros estabelecidos. Pode-se perceber uma consistente relação entre o uso do plano de parto e a satisfação das gestantes tendo o enfermeiro um papel crucial nesse aspecto, contribuindo para uma assistência obstétrica mais satisfatória. Conclui-se que o plano de parto é essencial para proporcionar autonomia às gestantes e que o enfermeiro é determinante nesse contexto. Investimentos em educação continuada, promoção do reconhecimento do plano de parto e garantia de recursos apropriados são cruciais para estabelecer um ambiente de parto que valorize as escolhas das mulheres, resultando em melhorias na qualidade do atendimento obstétrico.
Prenatal care plays a crucial role in ensuring positive results during pregnancy and childbirth, with nurses playing a central role as an educator, guiding pregnant women about the pregnancy-puerperal process. The birth plan, a legal tool, allows pregnant women to express their preferences regarding childbirth, postpartum and newborn care, promoting their autonomy. The objective of the study is to understand how the birth plan provides the empowerment of pregnant women, a more satisfactory and humanized birth and the role of the nurse in its preparation. This research consisted of an integrative review of the literature on the impact of the birth plan on pregnant women's autonomy, focusing on the role of nurses. The methodology included the formulation of a research question based on the acronym PICO, search in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) databases (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences - LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and PUBMED (MEDLINE) using the keyword “birth plan” and evaluating the results according to established criteria. A number of 5 studies were obtained based on the established parameters. A consistent relationship can be seen between the use of the birth plan and the satisfaction of pregnant women, with nurses playing a crucial role in this aspect, contributing to more satisfactory obstetric care. It is concluded that the birth plan is essential to provide autonomy to pregnant women and that the nurse is decisive in this context. Investments in continuing education, promoting birth plan recognition, and ensuring appropriate resources are crucial to establishing a birth environment that values women's choices, resulting in improvements in the quality of obstetric care.
Prenatal care plays a crucial role in ensuring positive results during pregnancy and childbirth, with nurses playing a central role as an educator, guiding pregnant women about the pregnancy-puerperal process. The birth plan, a legal tool, allows pregnant women to express their preferences regarding childbirth, postpartum and newborn care, promoting their autonomy. The objective of the study is to understand how the birth plan provides the empowerment of pregnant women, a more satisfactory and humanized birth and the role of the nurse in its preparation. This research consisted of an integrative review of the literature on the impact of the birth plan on pregnant women's autonomy, focusing on the role of nurses. The methodology included the formulation of a research question based on the acronym PICO, search in the Virtual Health Library (VHL) databases (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences - LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) and PUBMED (MEDLINE) using the keyword “birth plan” and evaluating the results according to established criteria. A number of 5 studies were obtained based on the established parameters. A consistent relationship can be seen between the use of the birth plan and the satisfaction of pregnant women, with nurses playing a crucial role in this aspect, contributing to more satisfactory obstetric care. It is concluded that the birth plan is essential to provide autonomy to pregnant women and that the nurse is decisive in this context. Investments in continuing education, promoting birth plan recognition, and ensuring appropriate resources are crucial to establishing a birth environment that values women's choices, resulting in improvements in the quality of obstetric care.
Plano de parto, Gestante, Autonomia