Alterações no periodonto associadas ao uso do cigarro eletrônico: uma revisão integrativa.
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ARAÚJO, Akalinne de Oliveira Silva
VERÍSSIMO , Juliana Alves
FREIRE, Guilherme Carlos Beiruth
Introdução: Considerando que, usuários de cigarros eletrônicos podem apresentar consequências em sua saúde bucal, surge a problemática: quais alterações bucais podem ocorrer no periodonto associadas ao uso do cigarro eletrônico. Objetivo: Investigar e apresentar as principais repercussões bucais no periodonto associadas ao uso de cigarros eletrônicos. Metodologia: Na busca de dados foram avaliados e sintetizados estudos que abordassem as consequências do uso dos cigarros eletrônicos nos tecidos periodontais. O período de realização do estudo ocorreu entre os meses de setembro e novembro de 2023. Resultados: De início, a partir da pesquisa nas bases de dados foram identificados mais de 31.112 artigos. Porém, foram selecionados artigos em português, com títulos concentrados na temática, com aplicação dos filtros “cigarro eletrônico” e “consequências do uso do cigarro eletrônico para o periodonto”. Conclusões: O uso do dispositivo eletrônico e/ou cigarro eletrônico é um problema de saúde pública. Embora tenha-se em torno da mídia e sociedade a ideia errônea de que tal cigarro auxilia na diminuição do consumo do cigarro convencional, seu uso pode ocasionar diversos prejuízos à saúde oral, principalmente no periodonto.
Introduction: Considering that users of electronic cigarettes can have consequences on their oral health, the problem arises: what oral changes can occur in the periodontium associated with the use of electronic cigarettes. Objective: To investigate and present the main oral repercussions on the periodontium associated with the use of electronic cigarettes. Methodology: In the search for data, studies that addressed the consequences of the use of electronic cigarettes on periodontal tissues were evaluated and synthesized. The period during which the study was carried out took place between the months of September and November 2023. Results: Initially, more than 31,112 articles were identified from the database search. However, articles in Portuguese were selected, with titles focused on the topic, applying the filters “electronic cigarette” and “consequences of using electronic cigarettes for the periodontium”. Conclusions: The use of electronic devices and/or electronic cigarettes is a public health problem. Although the media and society have the erroneous idea that such cigarettes help to reduce the consumption of conventional cigarettes, their use can cause several damages to oral health, especially in the periodontium.
Introduction: Considering that users of electronic cigarettes can have consequences on their oral health, the problem arises: what oral changes can occur in the periodontium associated with the use of electronic cigarettes. Objective: To investigate and present the main oral repercussions on the periodontium associated with the use of electronic cigarettes. Methodology: In the search for data, studies that addressed the consequences of the use of electronic cigarettes on periodontal tissues were evaluated and synthesized. The period during which the study was carried out took place between the months of September and November 2023. Results: Initially, more than 31,112 articles were identified from the database search. However, articles in Portuguese were selected, with titles focused on the topic, applying the filters “electronic cigarette” and “consequences of using electronic cigarettes for the periodontium”. Conclusions: The use of electronic devices and/or electronic cigarettes is a public health problem. Although the media and society have the erroneous idea that such cigarettes help to reduce the consumption of conventional cigarettes, their use can cause several damages to oral health, especially in the periodontium.
cigarro eletrônico, periodonto, saúde bucal