Recursos fisioterapêuticos no tratamento dermatofuncional de estrias pós gestacional: revisão de literatura.
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OLIVEIRA, Anna Karolina Carneiro de
BEZERRA, Flaviana Angelo
RIBEIRO, Murilo Paulino
DINIZ, Laura Vieira Pires
O estudo mostrado tem como finalidade expor os diversos tipos de recursos
fisioterapêuticos dermatofuncionais que são usados no tratamento de estrias gravídicas no
período pós gestacional. Visando não só o tratamento estético, mas também a melhora da
autoestima dessas mulheres. Essa revisão de literatura abrange vários tipos de técnicas
fisioterapêuticas para o tratamento de estrias tais como: eletrogalvanopuntura, laser,
radiofrequência, vacuoterapia, peeling químico, tratamento não laser, microdermoabrasão, luz
intensa pulsada, carboxiterapia e microagulhamento. Os principais motivos do aparecimento
dessas estrias durante a gestação são o aumento dos hormônios na gravidez e o estiramento da
pele, rompendo as fibras de colágeno. Sabe-se que as estrias têm maiores chances de tratamento
em sua forma inicial, quando ainda estão avermelhadas; no seu estágio 2 (esbranquiçadas) pode
haver a melhora na aparência.
The study shown aims to expose the different types of dermatofunctional physiotherapeutic resources that are used in the treatment of pregnant streaks in the postgestational period. Aiming not only the aesthetic treatment, but also the improvement of these women's self-esteem. This literature review covers several types of physical therapy techniques for the treatment of stretch marks, such as: electrogalvanopuncture, laser, radiofrequency, vacuum therapy, chemical peeling, non-laser treatment, microdermabrasion, intense pulsed light, carboxytherapy and microneedling. The main reasons for the appearance of these stretch marks during pregnancy are the increase in hormones during pregnancy and the stretching of the skin, breaking the collagen fibers. It is known that stretch marks are more likely to be treated in their initial form, when they are still red; in stage 2 (whitish) there may be an improvement in appearance.
The study shown aims to expose the different types of dermatofunctional physiotherapeutic resources that are used in the treatment of pregnant streaks in the postgestational period. Aiming not only the aesthetic treatment, but also the improvement of these women's self-esteem. This literature review covers several types of physical therapy techniques for the treatment of stretch marks, such as: electrogalvanopuncture, laser, radiofrequency, vacuum therapy, chemical peeling, non-laser treatment, microdermabrasion, intense pulsed light, carboxytherapy and microneedling. The main reasons for the appearance of these stretch marks during pregnancy are the increase in hormones during pregnancy and the stretching of the skin, breaking the collagen fibers. It is known that stretch marks are more likely to be treated in their initial form, when they are still red; in stage 2 (whitish) there may be an improvement in appearance.
estrias, estrias gravídicas, recursos fisioterapêuticos no tratamento de estrias