Cavalheiro, Bianca Estrela PugginaGracia, Gabriela2023-07-102023-07-102023-06-15 queimaduras são responsáveis por grande parte de ferimentos, óbitos, afastamento de trabalho, sequelas funcionais e estéticas. Na avaliação das queimaduras deve-se levar em consideração o grau de profundidade, a localização, o acometimento de vias aéreas e o agente causal. Essas lesões levam a regeneração dos tecidos, danos às camadas mais profundas da pele, podem formar as cicatrizes. A fisioterapia no tratamento de cicatrizes pós queimaduras, tem como finalidade prevenir os agravos, minimizar complicações, acelerar o tempo de recuperação, devolver a qualidade de vida e diminuir sequelas.Introduction: Burns are responsible for most injuries, deaths, absence from work, functional and aesthetic sequelae. In the evaluation of burns, the degree of depth, location, involvement of the airways and the causal agent must be taken into account. These injuries lead to tissue regeneration, damage to the deeper layers of the skin, and can form scars. Physical therapy in the treatment of post burn scars aims to prevent injuries, minimize complications, accelerate recovery time, restore quality of life and reduce sequelae. Objective: To analyze the main physiotherapy approaches in burn patients through an integrative literature review. Methods: A virtual bibliographical survey of scientific articles published in the last 10 years was carried out in the PubMed, BVS, MedLine, Scielo and Cochrane databases. Results: Nine studies were selected for this review, with 04 studies analyzing massage therapies, suggesting the need for further research to establish protocols and reliability. One study showed the combination of medical needling and NCASCS, showing significant improvement in pigmentation, and 03 studies evaluated the effects of shockwave therapy, showing good results. And 01 study analyzed that the use of high voltage therapy improves the quality of the scar, accelerates the epithelialization process and reduces pain. Conclusion: The analysis of the physiotherapeutic protocols presented in this review, showed that although many therapists use massage therapy, the studies do not show proof of results. The other therapies discussed showed promising results for the treatment of hypertrophic scars.31 f.ptAtribuição-SemDerivados 3.0 BrasilModalidades de fisioterapiacicatrizQueimadurasEficácia da reabilitação na cicatriz hipertrófica após queimaduras: Revisão integrativa da literaturaEfficacy of Rehabilitation in Hypertrophic Healing after Burns: Integrative Literature ReviewArtigo Científico