Monteleone, Thiago ViniciusFiller, Luiz NisonAbreu, Eliana Barbosa de2021-12-132021-12-132021-12 fenômeno intimidade é predominantemente associado a produtos socialmente considerados como benéficos e/ou saudáveis, sendo negligenciada a possibilidade de haver produtos considerados prejudiciais e/ou não-saudáveis. Assim, este trabalho realizou uma inaugural análise funcional não-experimental de um caso hipotético envolvendo um relacionamento entre dependentes químicos que resultou em Produtos Prejudiciais da Intimidade (PPIs). Após elucidação da relação e dos PPIs, foi proposta uma incipiente conceituação e definição de PPIs, tal como reflexões acerca dos Produtos da Intimidade (PIs). Foi proposto que PIs podem ser decompostos em duas classes de qualificadores: benéficos (PBIs) e prejudiciais (PPIs). Este último foi definido como sendo as consequências e os produtos agregados gerados pelos comportamentos de parceiro(s) íntimo(s) que diminuem a saúde de um ou mais parceiros, assim como a vitalidade do relacionamento e a satisfação nela, retroagindo no organismo que emitiu determinada resposta, no outro parceiro ou no próprio relacionamento. Salienta-se a indispensabilidade de a comunidade científica dedicar esforços a fim de investigar a existência ou não dos PPIs em relacionamento íntimos reais, especificando suas nuances e levando em consideração a diversidade humana e de seus relacionamentos, assim como seja realizada a avaliação da necessidade e validade dos termos cunhados nesta proposta.The term intimacy is used to a diversity of contexts in everyday life through language and has a broad continuum of meanings, being predominantly associated with products socially considered as beneficial and/or healthy. This pattern persists even in science, which has dedicated itself almost exclusively to the investigation and identification of these benefits and gains to the health and well-being of the individual or a relationship, neglecting the possibility of products that could be considered harmful and/or unhealthy. Thus, this work was dedicated to conducting an inaugural non-experimental functional analysis through a behavioral interpretative analysis of a hypothetical case involving a relationship between drug addicts that resulted in Harmful Products of Intimacy (HPIs). After an elucidation of the relationship between the individuals and HPIs, an incipient conceptualization and definition of HPIs was proposed, as well as reflections about the Products of Intimacy (PIs). It has been proposed that PIs are the consequences and aggregate products generated by one or more people who are specifically in the same intimate relationship and which retroact on the way they behave, their health and quality of life. These products can be decomposed into two classes of qualifiers: beneficial (BPIs) and harmful (HPIs). The latter was defined as the consequences and aggregate products that decrease the health of one or more partners, as well as the vitality of the relationship and the satisfaction in it, being generated by the intimate partner(s) behaviors that retroact in the organism that emitted a certain response or in the other member who participates in the same intimate relationship. The concepts HPIs and BPIs do not overlap or cancel each other out; moreover, they abstain from values related to pleasant and unpleasant or pleasurable and pleasureless. A better analysis of an intimate relationship in order to measure the probability of perduration and deterioration, as well as how intimate a member feels of the other partner, will be the one that: (1) favors idiosyncratic weightings, analyzing the individual as a subject who relates to himself and with others who constitute an intimate partnership; (2) encompasses the accumulation of intimate versus non-intimate events and their respective quantities of frequency and intensity; and (3) covers the frequency and intensity quantities of HPIs and BPIs taking into account the short, medium and long-term consequences. It is emphasized the indispensability of the scientific community to pay attention and devote efforts in the experimental and applied fields in order to investigate the existence or not of harmful products of intimacy, in the same way that their nuances are specified considering human diversity and their relationships, as well as the evaluation of the necessity and validity of the terms coined in this proposal.43 f.ptAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 BrasilAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 BrasilProdutos da IntimidadeProdutos Prejudiciais da IntimidadeIntimidadeRelacionamentosAnálise Funcional Não-experimentalAnálise do ComportamentoPsicoterapia Analítica FuncionalPsicologiaProdutos prejudiciais da intimidade: uma proposta de conceituação analítico-comportamentalHarmful products of intimacy: a proposal for a behavioral-analytic conceptualizationMonografia