Garbi, GiulianiNegreiros, ítaloMaia, Lucas2022-03-072022-03-072022 present work presents cost analyzes for the implementation of photovoltaic systems systems connected to the network, in order to supply 50%, 75% and 100% of the consumption of a popular house, previously installed directly connected to the network, in the city of Ipanguaçu­ RN. The system's methodology consisted of the same adopted by the Reference Center for Solar and Wind Energy Salvo Brito (CRESESB), as well as taking into account the standards established by NBR 5420 and ANEEL Normative Resolution 687/2015. It was taken into account that over the years there were losses in the system, as well as the variation in the tariff charged by the local concessionaire (COSERN). The main objective of verifying the economic feasibility of supplying a load previously installed, in order to dimension and choose the components of the system, in order to estimate the total value so that after this phase, it will show the return time of the initial investment, where this time obtained it was satisfactory for being a short period of time, somewhere between the fourth and fifth year after its installation. It was possible to obtain, respectively, the following returns of R $ 1466.29, R $ 2052.81 and R $ 2639.33 in the first year of generation, a return that grows over the years, even though the generation decreased due to losses, however the corrected tariff of the concessionaire reaching as high as R $ 0.90 between the fourteenth and fifteenth year after the installation of the system.12ptAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 BrasilPhotovoltaic systemconnected to the gridsolar energyeconomic viabilityAnálise da viabilidade econômica da implantação de um sistema Fotovoltaico OngridArtigo Científico