Carvalho, Fabio Luiz Oliveira deSantos, Maria Laiane dos2022-06-302022-06-302022-06-28 Geriatric syndromes are a set of pathologies that most affect the elderly people linked to factors of functional or social capacity and their etiology is of multifactorial origin. Functional health is the main determinant of health standards for the elderly person, which is subdivided into four functional domains, such as cognition, mood, mobility and communication. When there is any such loss of functionality, this functional decline results in the presentation of geriatric syndromes. In this way, nursing has the relevance of attributing holistic care to these individuals’ quality of life, in order to reduce the clinical advances of signs and symptoms in the presence of geriatric syndromes, thus helping to improve the adaptive state and, mainly, in the approach and understanding of nursing care in the asylum environment. The study has as general objective to present what are the geriatric conditions that cause geriatric syndromes and their impact, in particular, on the target audience of institutionalized elderly people and how nursing should act, and, as specific objectives: to determine the attributions of nursing in front of the elderly people with functional losses due to geriatric syndromes affected during their aging process; to understand the guidelines and health policies of the elderly person through promotion, prevention, protection, recovery and health rehabilitation; and to apply the geriatric evaluation tools to the health actions and interventions of nursing care. The methodology of the research has a qualitative approach of a basic nature, classified in a descriptive and explanatory way through bibliographic instruments in an integrative review, carried out between February and June 2022. The data collection was done in the electronic database on the platform of MEDLINE, Virtual Health Library (BVS), Science direct, LILACS, for the most effective selection of the proposed theme, the basic selection of 45 articles was exclusive, following the criteria for inclusion of the work, for the most part, in Google Scholar. The research was carried out through the analysis of articles published between the beginning of 2012 and the end of 2022. It is concluded that, for the most part, the articles showed the impact of geriatric syndromes that interfere with quality and well-being of life and health of the elderly person and, especially, when institutionalized, they become susceptible, more vulnerable to the development of syndromes. The good approach of a nursing professional in the investigation of these risk factors for the functional decline of the elderly person, with the use of instruments for early evaluation of these functionalities, becomes effective in articulating health actions and policies exclusively for the elderly person. In this way, the work becomes of great value for possible future research.KEYWORDS: Geriatric Syndromes. Elderly people. Long Stay Institution for the Elderly (LSIEs). Health policies for the elderly. Elderly people’s quality of life. Aging process. Autonomy68ptAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 BrasilSíndromes GeriátricasIdososInstituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos (ILPIs)Políticas de Saúde ao idosoQualidade de vida dos idososProcesso de envelhecimentoAutonomiaImpacto das síndromes geriátricas em idosos institucionalizados e a atuação do enfermeiro nesse processoIMPACT OF GERIATRIC SYNDROMES IN INSTITUTIONALIZED ELDERLY AND THE NURSE'S PERFORMANCE IN THIS PROCESSMonografia