Carvalho , Fabio Luiz Oliveira deSantos, Fernanda Silva2022-06-302022-06-302022-06-27 The social isolation of the new coronavirus pandemic has brought several negative effects to the elderly population as they demonstrate several weaknesses arising from the aging process. This aging process makes the quality of life of the elderly unfeasible as they undergo physical and psychological changes resulting in dependence on third parties, and with social distancing there was the inability of assiduous monitoring of these elderly people. The pandemic process of covid-19 in which the world faced also developed not only diseases and physical sequelae, but also aimed at mental health, resulting in stress, anxiety, panic syndrome and depression. The general objective of this study is to understand the richness of social isolation in the life of the elderly in their quality of life, and with specific objectives to identify nursing care for this population in time of a pandemic, to distinguish the factors that facilitated the contagion of covid-19. to the elderly, and finally to identify the risks and sequelae of this pathology in the elderly. The research methodology is characterized as an integrative literature review, collecting information in the Google Scholar, Scientific Journals, LILACS and SciELO databases, using as Descriptors in Health Sciences: pandemic, mental health, aging process, social isolation, physiology of aging, covid-19, including publications in Portuguese and English, with time limits from 2012 to 2022 for articles. The results of the research indicate that the elderly were and are vulnerable to covid-19 due to their limitations through old age, being considered a risk group because they suffer from the most serious impacts of covid-19 and even reach death, but with nursing care and its guidelines regarding the new coronavirus, the means for prevention and health promotion bring benefits to the quality of life and the reduction of these risks. The final considerations are consistent with these findings, pointing out that the elderly are a vulnerable group to this pathology and its consequences such as social isolation. Keywords: social isolation, covid-19 and aging process61enAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 Brasilisolamento socialcovid-19processo de envelhecimentoAssistência de Enfermagem Ao Idoso Em Tempos de Pamdemia por COVID-19Nursing care for the elderly in times of pandemic by COVID-19Monografia