Santos, Denise BarbosaRamos, Jucimara Cabral de Santana2023-06-302023-06-302023-06-29 scope review sought to gather data from the literature on self-injury in high school adolescents, in order to contribute to the Health Psychology field. The databases used were Scielo, Pubmed and PePSIC. To data selection considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria the study used the PRISMA-ScR protocol and Rayyan software. The Boolean descriptors and operators used to filter and guide the search were “non-suicidal” AND/OR “self-injury” AND/OR “high school”. The final sample included 19 studies after the primary selection process of reading the abstracts and applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and secondary selection off reading the entire articles. Results were grouped into three categories: (1) Psychosocial risk factors, (2) Familial and developmental risk factors, and (3) Risk behaviors. We found risk factors that increase the chance of suicidal and self-injurious behavior in adolescents who attend high school. These data indicate that self-injury intervention demands a close look at the determinants of this phenomenon Keywords: non-suicidal; self-injury; adolescents; high school; risk factors.35 f.ptAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 BrasilAtribuição-NãoComercial-SemDerivados 3.0 BrasilComportamento suicidaCondutas autolesivasEnsino médioFatores de riscoAdolescentesCondutas autolesivas em adolescentes do ensino médio: uma revisão de escopo.Self-injury behaviors in high school adolescents: a scope Review.Artigo Científico