Riscos associados a deficiência de ferro e importância de hábitos alimentares na gestação.
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COSTA , Antonia Eloisa Madeiro Cardoso da
SILVA , Hevilly Lorrany Cecilia do Nascimento
ARAÚJO, Lucas Marques de
SOUZA , Lyandra Larissa Gomes de
NASCIMENTO , Marilia Aparecida Lima do
GUZEN, Fausto Pierdoná
A alimentação tem forte relação com a sobrevivência e a saúde do ser humano, no período gestacional configura-se como um momento favorável para a promoção de uma alimentação adequada e saudável, dentre os micronutrientes necessários para o crescimento fetal, salienta-se o ferro e o ácido fólico, essencial para o crescimento da placenta e do embrião, além da prevenção de anemias. As principais causas de Anemia durante a gravidez são ingestão inadequada de ferro na dieta, essa carência cresce principalmente no 2º trimestre para compensar a ampliação da massa total de eritrócitos e no 3º trimestre para permitir o crescimento da placenta e do feto, resultando no maior risco de anemia ferropriva. Objetivo: apontar os riscos associados à deficiência de ferro e a importância de hábitos alimentares na gestação, buscando entender como é realizado o diagnóstico, tratamento e como bons hábitos alimentares podem interferir no ciclo gestacional. Metodologia: foi realizada uma revisão narrativa, através de revisões bibliográficas de artigos publicados entre 2013 e 2023, com gestantes de todas as faixas etárias, envolvendo questões pertinentes sobre hábitos alimentares e riscos de deficiência de ferro na gestação. Discussão: A razão para alta prevalência de anemia entre mulheres gestantes pode ser explicado, pelo fato de que suas dietas carecem de quantidades adequadas de nutrientes, principalmente do ferro, há tabus culturais que levam à seleção de alimentos e a forte ligação com fatores socioeconômicos. Conclusão: é necessária a implementação de programas voltados para orientações nutricionais à gestante, fomentando mudanças no estilo de vida, visando a prevenção da deficiência de ferro e ampliando as informações à adolescentes e mulheres em idade reprodutiva, a fim de minimizar os diversos riscos.
Food has a strong relationship with the survival and health of human beings, in the gestational period it is a favorable moment for promoting an adequate and healthy diet, among the micronutrients necessary for fetal growth, iron and folic acid, essential for the growth of the placenta and embryo, in addition to preventing anemia. The main causes of Anemia during pregnancy are inadequate intake of iron in the diet, this deficiency increases mainly in the 2nd trimester to compensate for the increase in the total mass of erythrocytes and in the 3rd trimester to allow the growth of the placenta and fetus, resulting in the greatest risk. of iron deficiency anemia. Objective: to point out the risks associated with iron deficiency and the importance of eating habits during pregnancy, seeking to understand how diagnosis and treatment are carried out and how good eating habits can interfere with the gestational cycle. Methodology: a narrative review was carried out, through bibliographic reviews of articles published between 2013 and 2023, with pregnant women of all age groups, involving pertinent questions about eating habits and risks of iron deficiency during pregnancy. Discussion: The reason for the high prevalence of anemia among pregnant women can be explained by the fact that their diets lack adequate amounts of nutrients, especially iron, there are cultural taboos that lead to the selection of foods and the strong connection with socioeconomic factors. Conclusion: it is necessary to implement programs aimed at providing nutritional guidance to pregnant women, promoting changes in lifestyle, aiming to prevent iron deficiency and expanding information to adolescents and women of reproductive age, in order to minimize the various risks.
Food has a strong relationship with the survival and health of human beings, in the gestational period it is a favorable moment for promoting an adequate and healthy diet, among the micronutrients necessary for fetal growth, iron and folic acid, essential for the growth of the placenta and embryo, in addition to preventing anemia. The main causes of Anemia during pregnancy are inadequate intake of iron in the diet, this deficiency increases mainly in the 2nd trimester to compensate for the increase in the total mass of erythrocytes and in the 3rd trimester to allow the growth of the placenta and fetus, resulting in the greatest risk. of iron deficiency anemia. Objective: to point out the risks associated with iron deficiency and the importance of eating habits during pregnancy, seeking to understand how diagnosis and treatment are carried out and how good eating habits can interfere with the gestational cycle. Methodology: a narrative review was carried out, through bibliographic reviews of articles published between 2013 and 2023, with pregnant women of all age groups, involving pertinent questions about eating habits and risks of iron deficiency during pregnancy. Discussion: The reason for the high prevalence of anemia among pregnant women can be explained by the fact that their diets lack adequate amounts of nutrients, especially iron, there are cultural taboos that lead to the selection of foods and the strong connection with socioeconomic factors. Conclusion: it is necessary to implement programs aimed at providing nutritional guidance to pregnant women, promoting changes in lifestyle, aiming to prevent iron deficiency and expanding information to adolescents and women of reproductive age, in order to minimize the various risks.
deficiência de ferro, gestação, riscos, hábitos alimentares