Estratégias de treinamento de força e nutrição para hipertrofia muscular: abordagens atuais e eficácia.
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SILVA, Alex Vinicius Sousa e
SANCHES, Iris Callado
Esse trabalho aborda as estratégias contemporâneas de treino resistido, a nutrição necessária que visa a hipertrofia muscular. O presente estudo se inicia a introdução que contextualiza a importância do tema e se justifica a relevância da pesquisa e estabelece de modo objetivo a relevância do entendimento da fisiologia dos seres humanos. A metodologia usada se caracteriza como revisão bibliográfica, ela consiste na literatura científica em busca de conhecimentos já firmados por outros estudiosos da área da fisiologia e exercício físico, a busca foi por artigos em bases de dados acadêmicos SCIELO, PUBMED, CAPES e Google Acadêmico, em completo foram usadas as palavras-chave: Hipertrofia, Treinamento de força, Fisiologia e Nutrição Esportiva. Logo, é imprescindível o treinador conhecer os fundamentos da fisiologia para melhorar os resultados do treino de musculação. Por fim, conclui-se que o melhor conhecimento da fisiologia do exercício agrega de maneira significativa os ganhos de massa magra e evita lesões musculoesqueléticas nos praticantes de musculação.
This work addresses contemporary resistance training strategies and the necessary nutrition aimed at muscle hypertrophy. The present study begins with the introduction that contextualizes the importance of the topic and justifies the relevance of the research and objectively establishes the relevance of understanding the physiology of human beings. The methodology used is characterized as a bibliographic review, it consists of scientific literature in search of knowledge already established by other scholars in the field of physiology and physical exercise, the search was for articles in academic databases SCIELO, PUBMED, CAPES and Google Scholar, In full, the keywords were used: Hypertrophy, Strength Training, Physiology and Sports Nutrition. Therefore, it is essential for the trainer to know the fundamentals of physiology to improve the results of bodybuilding training. Finally, it is concluded that better knowledge of exercise physiology significantly increases lean mass gains and prevents musculoskeletal injuries in bodybuilders.
This work addresses contemporary resistance training strategies and the necessary nutrition aimed at muscle hypertrophy. The present study begins with the introduction that contextualizes the importance of the topic and justifies the relevance of the research and objectively establishes the relevance of understanding the physiology of human beings. The methodology used is characterized as a bibliographic review, it consists of scientific literature in search of knowledge already established by other scholars in the field of physiology and physical exercise, the search was for articles in academic databases SCIELO, PUBMED, CAPES and Google Scholar, In full, the keywords were used: Hypertrophy, Strength Training, Physiology and Sports Nutrition. Therefore, it is essential for the trainer to know the fundamentals of physiology to improve the results of bodybuilding training. Finally, it is concluded that better knowledge of exercise physiology significantly increases lean mass gains and prevents musculoskeletal injuries in bodybuilders.
hipertrofia, treinamento de força, fisiologia, nutrição esportiva