Efeitos da privação do sono na composição corporal e nos desarranjos metabólicos.
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SILVA, Caio Fabrízio Azevêdo da
VICTOR, David Pessoa
HORA, Davidsson Matheus Andrade da
PINHEIRO, Thales Manuel Bezerra
SOUZA, Victor Hugo de Carvalho
GUZEN, Fausto Pierdoná
Diante do corpo de evidências atual da literatura científica, a revisão destaca que a privação de sono não recebe a mesma atenção comparada a fatores como dieta e exercício físico, embora desempenhe um papel fundamental na etiologia da obesidade.Então, a privação de sono é um fenômeno que pode ser precursor de impactos fisiológicos importantes com danos significativos na saúde humana. A quantidade e qualidade adequadas de sono desempenham papéis críticos em funções cerebrais, regulação hormonal e processos metabólicos. A falta de sono está associada a riscos aumentados de mortalidade, depressão, obesidade, diabetes, hipertensão e doenças neurodegenerativas. Estudos indicam que um adulto saudável necessita de 7 horas ou mais de sono noturno. Tanto a duração insuficiente quanto excessiva do sono foi correlacionada a desordens metabólicas e risco aumentado de mortalidade. Distúrbios do sono são prevalentes globalmente, incluindo no Brasil. A revisão destaca a relação entre a privação de sono e desequilíbrios hormonais, aumento do balanço energético, risco de diabetes tipo 2 e impactos na performance esportiva. Em síntese, este trabalho reforça a importância do sono adequado não apenas para o descanso, mas para a prevenção de condições crônicas, destacando a necessidade de atenção individual e políticas de saúde pública direcionadas. Dito de outro modo, a presente revisão delineia alguns dos aspectos fisiológicos, metabólicos, hormonais e comportamentais que a privação do sono afeta.
Given the current body of evidence in the scientific literature, the review highlights that sleep deprivation does not receive the same attention compared to factors such as diet and physical exercise, although it plays a fundamental role in the etiology of obesity. Therefore, sleep deprivation is a phenomenon that can be a precursor to important physiological impacts with significant damage to human health. Adequate quantity and quality of sleep play critical roles in brain functions, hormonal regulation, and metabolic processes. Lack of sleep is associated with increased risks of mortality, depression, obesity, diabetes, hypertension and neurodegenerative diseases. Studies indicate that a healthy adult needs 7 hours or more of nightly sleep.Both insufficient and excessive sleep duration have been correlated with metabolic disorders and increased risk of mortality. Sleep disorders are prevalent globally, including in Brazil. The review highlights the relationship between sleep deprivation and hormonal imbalances, increased energy balance, risk of type 2 diabetes and impacts on sports performance. In summary, this work reinforces the importance of adequate sleep not only for rest, but for the prevention of chronic conditions, highlighting the need for individual attention and targeted public health policies.In other words, this review outlines some of the physiological, metabolic, hormonal and behavioral aspects that sleep deprivation affects.
Given the current body of evidence in the scientific literature, the review highlights that sleep deprivation does not receive the same attention compared to factors such as diet and physical exercise, although it plays a fundamental role in the etiology of obesity. Therefore, sleep deprivation is a phenomenon that can be a precursor to important physiological impacts with significant damage to human health. Adequate quantity and quality of sleep play critical roles in brain functions, hormonal regulation, and metabolic processes. Lack of sleep is associated with increased risks of mortality, depression, obesity, diabetes, hypertension and neurodegenerative diseases. Studies indicate that a healthy adult needs 7 hours or more of nightly sleep.Both insufficient and excessive sleep duration have been correlated with metabolic disorders and increased risk of mortality. Sleep disorders are prevalent globally, including in Brazil. The review highlights the relationship between sleep deprivation and hormonal imbalances, increased energy balance, risk of type 2 diabetes and impacts on sports performance. In summary, this work reinforces the importance of adequate sleep not only for rest, but for the prevention of chronic conditions, highlighting the need for individual attention and targeted public health policies.In other words, this review outlines some of the physiological, metabolic, hormonal and behavioral aspects that sleep deprivation affects.
sono, adulto, dieta, mortalidade, desequilíbrio