O uso dos atalhos mentais nas estratégias de marketing digital
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Zanetta, Lucas Matiola
Santos, Lucas Tomaz dos
Morales, Aran Bey Tcholakian
Somos bombardeados com informações a todo momento, e se fazer perceptível em meio a um turbilhão de dados se tornou uma tarefa cada vez mais difícil, ainda mais quando o usuário decide em milésimos de segundos onde destinar sua atenção. Por isso, para se fazer notável é necessário utilizar técnicas de comunicação, como os atalhos mentais que agem como agentes persuasivos na tomada de decisão das pessoas. Com o propósito de esclarecer o uso dos atalhos mentais, foi realizada a criação de uma campanha de marketing digital, utilizando a ferramenta de gerenciador de anúncios Facebook Ads, contendo diferentes anúncios elaborados de forma estratégica, com e sem o uso de gatilhos, a fim de coletar dados. Após a finalização da campanha, a mesma foi avaliada pelos autores desta monografia, executando uma análise comparativa da quantidade de cliques obtidas em cada anúncio com o intuito de validar a efetividade das técnicas de comunicação. A análise trouxe consigo resultados positivos, onde os anúncios que foram utilizados gatilhos mentais obtiveram 200% mais cliques comparado ao que não foi utilizado nenhuma técnica persuasiva. Mediante a isso, se torna evidente que utilizar essas técnicas conscientemente pode ser um fator importante para trazer melhores resultados.
We are bombarded with information all the time, and to be noticeable in the midst of a whirlwind of data has become an increasingly difficult task, even more so when the user decides in milliseconds where to allocate his attention. Therefore, to make yourself noticeable it is necessary to use communication techniques, such as mental shortcuts that act as persuasive agents in people's decision making. With the purpose of clarifying the use of mental shortcuts, a digital marketing campaign was created, using the Facebook Ads ad manager tool, containing different ads strategically designed, with and without the use of triggers, in order to collect data. After the completion of the campaign, it was evaluated by the authors of this monograph, performing a comparative analysis of the number of clicks obtained in each ad in order to validate the effectiveness of the communication techniques. The analysis brought positive results, where the ads that used mental triggers obtained 200% more clicks compared to those that did not use any persuasive technique. Therefore, it becomes evident that using these techniques consciously can be an important factor in bringing better results.
We are bombarded with information all the time, and to be noticeable in the midst of a whirlwind of data has become an increasingly difficult task, even more so when the user decides in milliseconds where to allocate his attention. Therefore, to make yourself noticeable it is necessary to use communication techniques, such as mental shortcuts that act as persuasive agents in people's decision making. With the purpose of clarifying the use of mental shortcuts, a digital marketing campaign was created, using the Facebook Ads ad manager tool, containing different ads strategically designed, with and without the use of triggers, in order to collect data. After the completion of the campaign, it was evaluated by the authors of this monograph, performing a comparative analysis of the number of clicks obtained in each ad in order to validate the effectiveness of the communication techniques. The analysis brought positive results, where the ads that used mental triggers obtained 200% more clicks compared to those that did not use any persuasive technique. Therefore, it becomes evident that using these techniques consciously can be an important factor in bringing better results.
Atalhos mentais, Marketing digital, Campanhas de marketing digital