A prevalência de incontinência urinária de esforço em atletas de alto rendimento.
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NÓBREGA, Adriana Vilela dos Reis
SILVA, Thalita Vitória Simplício da
BEZERRA, Lívia Oliveira
A incontinência urinária (IU) é definida como qualquer perda involuntária de urina.
Apesar dessa disfunção está mais associada ao envelhecimento ou gravidez, atualmente
diversos estudos relatam IU em mulheres jovens nulíparas e atletas de alto rendimento.
Atletas de alto rendimento que praticam modalidades esportivas que geram alto impacto, são
mais propícias a desenvolver essa perda de urina. O objetivo do estudo é investigar grupos
de atletas de alto rendimento do sexo feminino sujeitas à prevalência de IU e se essa condição
acarreta impactos negativos na prática esportiva e qualidade de vida. A metodologia
empregada fundamenta-se em uma revisão sistemática. Foram utilizadas as bases de dados
PubMed, LILACS e SciELO. Foi encontrada uma alta taxa de prevalência de IU entre atletas
de alto rendimento, onde há evidência de que as atividades que exigem saltos, aterrisagens
e corridas são as mais propensas a provocarem perda de urina. Além disso, a maior carga de
treino pode estar associada com a quantidade de urina perdida. A escassez de estudos sobre
o tema e a falta de pesquisa foram as maiores limitações para o trabalho, sendo um rico
campo de exploração para estudos futuros.
Urinary incontinence (UI) is defined as any involuntary loss of urine. Although this dysfunction is associated with aging or pregnancy, currently several studies report (UI) in nulliparous young women and high performance athletes. It is justified that athletes who practice modalities, which generate high impact, are more likely to develop this urine loss. The objectives of the study are to investigate groups of female athletes subject to the prevalence of UI and whether this condition has negative impacts on physical activity and quality of life. The methodology used is based on a systematic review and the PubMed, LILACS and SciELO databases were used. A high rate of UI prevalence was found among athletes, where there is evidence that activities that require jumping, landing and running are the most likely to cause urine loss. Also, the higher training load may be associated with the amount of urine lost. The scarcity of studies on the subject and the lack of research were the main limitations for the work, being a rich field of exploration for future studies.
Urinary incontinence (UI) is defined as any involuntary loss of urine. Although this dysfunction is associated with aging or pregnancy, currently several studies report (UI) in nulliparous young women and high performance athletes. It is justified that athletes who practice modalities, which generate high impact, are more likely to develop this urine loss. The objectives of the study are to investigate groups of female athletes subject to the prevalence of UI and whether this condition has negative impacts on physical activity and quality of life. The methodology used is based on a systematic review and the PubMed, LILACS and SciELO databases were used. A high rate of UI prevalence was found among athletes, where there is evidence that activities that require jumping, landing and running are the most likely to cause urine loss. Also, the higher training load may be associated with the amount of urine lost. The scarcity of studies on the subject and the lack of research were the main limitations for the work, being a rich field of exploration for future studies.
incontinência urinária, exercícios, atletas