Enriquecimento ambiental na reabilitação do Peixe boi marinho Trichechus manatus: um estudo de caso potiguar.
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FERREIRA, Gustavo Henrique Gonçalves
TRIGUEIRO, Victor Henriques
MELO, Yuri Lima
Pinheiro, Tiago
O enriquecimento ambiental visa mitigar os efeitos negativos do confinamento, proporcionando um ambiente mais estimulante e diversificado para os peixes-boi marinhos (Trichechus manatus). Este estudo analisou as estratégias de enriquecimento ambiental utilizadas para promover o bem-estar, comportamento natural e saúde física desses animais. Considerando diversas pesquisas, destacou-se a importância da diversificação das estratégias de enriquecimento no Centro de Reabilitação de Fauna Marinha. Dentre os estudos, ressaltaram-se a eficácia da variedade de estímulos ambientais na promoção de comportamentos apropriados e reversão de comportamentos estereotipados, fundamentais para a adaptação pós-reabilitação na natureza. Por outro lado, identificaram-se desafios significativos, incluindo a dificuldade na coleta de alimentos primários como capim e algas, afetados pelas variações da maré. Isso evidenciou a necessidade de suprir essas demandas em diferentes regiões para evitar possíveis estresses nos animais. Um dos aspectos mais destacados foi a observação de que as práticas de enriquecimento ambiental, quando bem-sucedidas, facilitaram a reintrodução dos peixes-boi marinhos na natureza. Exemplos como os casos de Gabriel e Rosa ressaltaram como tais práticas promoveram a adaptação desses animais ao habitat natural, contribuindo para sua reintegração bem-sucedida ao ambiente selvagem. Esses resultados apontam para a necessidade contínua de aprimoramento das estratégias de enriquecimento ambiental no Centro de Reabilitação de Fauna Marinha. A diversificação dessas práticas e a superação de desafios logísticos, como a obtenção de alimentos primários, são cruciais para assegurar o bem-estar e preparar os peixes-boi para uma reintrodução bem-sucedida na natureza.
Environmental enrichment aims to mitigate the negative effects of confinement, providing a more stimulating and diversified environment for the West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus). This study sought to analyze the environmental enrichment strategies used to promote the well-being, natural behavior, and physical health of these animals. Considering various research studies, the importance of diversifying enrichment strategies at the Marine Fauna Rehabilitation Center was highlighted. Among these studies, the effectiveness of a variety of environmental stimuli in promoting appropriate behaviors and reversing stereotypical behaviors, crucial for post-rehabilitation adaptation in the wild, was emphasized. On the other hand, significant challenges were identified, including the difficulty in collecting primary foods such as grass and algae, affected by tidal variations. This underscored the need to meet these demands in different regions to avoid potential stress in the animals. One of the most notable aspects observed was that successful environmental enrichment practices facilitated the reintroduction of West Indian manatees into the wild. Examples such as the cases of Gabriel and Rosa highlighted how such practices promoted the adaptation of these animals to their natural habitat, contributing to their successful reintegration into the wild. These findings point to the ongoing need to improve environmental enrichment strategies at the Marine Fauna Rehabilitation Center. Diversifying these practices and overcoming logistical challenges, such as obtaining primary foods, are crucial to ensuring the well-being and preparing the manatees for a successful reintroduction into the wild.
Environmental enrichment aims to mitigate the negative effects of confinement, providing a more stimulating and diversified environment for the West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus). This study sought to analyze the environmental enrichment strategies used to promote the well-being, natural behavior, and physical health of these animals. Considering various research studies, the importance of diversifying enrichment strategies at the Marine Fauna Rehabilitation Center was highlighted. Among these studies, the effectiveness of a variety of environmental stimuli in promoting appropriate behaviors and reversing stereotypical behaviors, crucial for post-rehabilitation adaptation in the wild, was emphasized. On the other hand, significant challenges were identified, including the difficulty in collecting primary foods such as grass and algae, affected by tidal variations. This underscored the need to meet these demands in different regions to avoid potential stress in the animals. One of the most notable aspects observed was that successful environmental enrichment practices facilitated the reintroduction of West Indian manatees into the wild. Examples such as the cases of Gabriel and Rosa highlighted how such practices promoted the adaptation of these animals to their natural habitat, contributing to their successful reintegration into the wild. These findings point to the ongoing need to improve environmental enrichment strategies at the Marine Fauna Rehabilitation Center. Diversifying these practices and overcoming logistical challenges, such as obtaining primary foods, are crucial to ensuring the well-being and preparing the manatees for a successful reintroduction into the wild.
enriquecimento ambiental, Peixe-boi, Trichechus manatus, práticas estratégias