Comportamento alimentar no tratamento do transtorno de ansiedade.
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PADILHA, Carolyne Fernanda Araújo
ALCÂNTARA, Giselle Dávilla de Souza
OLIVEIRA, Luanna D'alice Pacífico de
SERAFIM, Maria Clara Pereira
COUTINHO, Thaís Vicente
GUZEN, Fausto Pierdoná
A ansiedade é um dos transtornos mentais que mais atingem a população brasileira. Embora a medicação seja a principal alternativa para o tratamento, a alimentação é primordial no processo de recuperação da saúde. Este estudo trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica na qual buscou os artigos de referência nas bases de dados: PUBMED, SciELO, EMBASE e Google acadêmico. Foram incluídos 15 estudos realizados entre os anos de 2015 a 2023, em idioma português e inglês, que abordam a temática escolhida, e excluídos artigos de revisão duplicados ou que não se encaixam na temática. Teve como objetivo compreender a função da alimentação no tratamento do transtorno de ansiedade e analisar a atuação dos nutrientes com o propósito de inserir alimentos fontes de vitamina D, Complexo B, triptofano, magnésio, ômega 3 que podem melhorar sintomas físicos e mentais visto que, a serotonina tem um papel muito importante nesses processos.
Anxiety is one of the mental disorders that most affect the Brazilian population. Although medication is the main alternative for treatment, nutrition is essential in the process of recovering health. This study is a bibliographic review in which reference articles were searched in the databases: PUBMED, SciELO, EMBASE and Google Scholar. 15 studies carried out between 2015 and 2023, in Portuguese and English, that address the chosen theme were included, and duplicate review articles or articles that did not fit the theme were excluded. The objective was to understand the role of food in the treatment of anxiety disorder, analyzing the performance of nutrients with the purpose of including food sources of vitamin D, B Complex, tryptophan, magnesium, omega 3 that can improve physical and mental symptoms since , serotonin plays a very important role in these processes.
Anxiety is one of the mental disorders that most affect the Brazilian population. Although medication is the main alternative for treatment, nutrition is essential in the process of recovering health. This study is a bibliographic review in which reference articles were searched in the databases: PUBMED, SciELO, EMBASE and Google Scholar. 15 studies carried out between 2015 and 2023, in Portuguese and English, that address the chosen theme were included, and duplicate review articles or articles that did not fit the theme were excluded. The objective was to understand the role of food in the treatment of anxiety disorder, analyzing the performance of nutrients with the purpose of including food sources of vitamin D, B Complex, tryptophan, magnesium, omega 3 that can improve physical and mental symptoms since , serotonin plays a very important role in these processes.
nutrição, ansiedade, depressão, compulsão alimentar, comportamento alimentar, bulimia, anorexia