Aspectos assistenciais da cardiopatia congênita e programas de reabilitação: revisão de literatura
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SILVA, Izabel Cristina Soares da
SANTOS, Mariana Carla da Silva
SILVA, Ricardo Rodrigues da
SILVA, Sheila Aparecida Tarquinio
As cardiopatias congênitas (CCs) são malformações presentes na estrutura
do coração ou em grandes vasos sanguíneos que podem surgir durante o
desenvolvimento fetal ou persistirem após o nascimento. Nas últimas décadas, foi
impulsionando o foco nas intervenções, que antecedentemente eram direcionadas
no aumento da sobrevivência, e agora sendo utilizadas para atingir uma maior
qualidade de vida dos pacientes com cardiopatia congênita. Objetivo: Diante
disso, esta revisão de literatura buscou abordar sobre os aspectos assistenciais
da cardiopatia congênita e programas de reabilitação. Métodos: Trata-se de uma
revisão da literatura, com buscas nas bases de dados PUBMED (MEDLINE),
PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database). As palavras- chave utilizadas foram:
“Doença cardíaca congênita”, “Reabilitação cardíaca”,” exercício aeróbico”; “força
muscular respiratória”. O recorte temporal foi dos últimos 15 anos (2008-2023).
Resultados: A busca inicial dos artigos através das bases de dados resultou em
3 estudos selecionados para compor esta revisão. Sendo evidenciado que
aproximadamente a metade da população com diagnóstico de cardiopatia
congênita em crianças se deu após o período de pré-natal. Além disso, foi
apresentado que a força muscular respiratória global na população com patologia
coronariana está diminuída. Conclusão: Com base nos resultados obtidos
concluímos que um número significativo de crianças com CCs ainda é
diagnosticado após o nascimento, tendo relação a fatores sintomatológicos que
auxiliam na sua identificação. Assim como, a reabilitação cardiopulmonar em
crianças com CCs favoreceu a melhoria da qualidade de vida desses pacientes.
No entanto, é necessário a elaboração de novos estudos de programas de
reabilitação em pacientes cardiopatas, devido a limitação de artigos dessa
Congenital heart defects (CHDs) are malformations present in the structure of the heart or in large blood vessels that may arise during fetal development or persist after birth. In recent decades, there has been a greater focus on interventions, which previously were aimed at increasing survival, and are now being used to achieve a higher quality of life for patients with congenital heart disease. Objective: Therefore, this literature review sought to address the care aspects of congenital heart disease and rehabilitation programs. Methods: This is a literature review, with searches in the PUBMED (MEDLINE) and PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database) databases. The keywords used were: “Congenital heart disease”, “Cardiac rehabilitation”, “aerobic exercise”; “respiratory muscle strength”. The time frame was the last 15 years (2008-2023). Results: The initial search for articles through the databases resulted in 3 studies selected to compose this review. It is evident that approximately half of the population diagnosed with congenital heart disease in children occurred after the prenatal period. Furthermore, it was shown that global respiratory muscle strength in the population with coronary pathology is decreased. Conclusion: Based on the results obtained, we concluded that a significant number of children with CCs are still diagnosed after birth, due to symptomatological factors that help in their identification. Likewise, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation in children with CCs favored improving the quality of life of these patients. However, it is necessary to carry out new studies on rehabilitation programs for heart disease patients, due to the limited number of articles on this topic.
Congenital heart defects (CHDs) are malformations present in the structure of the heart or in large blood vessels that may arise during fetal development or persist after birth. In recent decades, there has been a greater focus on interventions, which previously were aimed at increasing survival, and are now being used to achieve a higher quality of life for patients with congenital heart disease. Objective: Therefore, this literature review sought to address the care aspects of congenital heart disease and rehabilitation programs. Methods: This is a literature review, with searches in the PUBMED (MEDLINE) and PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database) databases. The keywords used were: “Congenital heart disease”, “Cardiac rehabilitation”, “aerobic exercise”; “respiratory muscle strength”. The time frame was the last 15 years (2008-2023). Results: The initial search for articles through the databases resulted in 3 studies selected to compose this review. It is evident that approximately half of the population diagnosed with congenital heart disease in children occurred after the prenatal period. Furthermore, it was shown that global respiratory muscle strength in the population with coronary pathology is decreased. Conclusion: Based on the results obtained, we concluded that a significant number of children with CCs are still diagnosed after birth, due to symptomatological factors that help in their identification. Likewise, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation in children with CCs favored improving the quality of life of these patients. However, it is necessary to carry out new studies on rehabilitation programs for heart disease patients, due to the limited number of articles on this topic.
"Doença cardíaca congênita"."Reabilitação cardíaca". "Exercício aeróbico". "Força muscular respiratória".