Caminhando para o big data: estruturação de dados em uma empresa do segmento industrial
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Reinert Jr, Giovani
Pinto Vieira, Daniella
Após as grandes progressões provenientes das revoluções industriais, o segmento fabril está passando por uma exponencial transformação digital, na qual, utiliza de tecnologias e ferramentas que unificam cada vez meus seus segmentos em busca de resultados mais assertivos perante a concorrência desenfreada. Com todo investimento dedicado ao crescimento tecnológico da indústria, fica evidente a necessidade de ferramentas capazes de ler, processar e demonstrar todos os dados gerados de inúmeras formas possíveis. Para desenvolver uma arquitetura big data que se adeque a necessidade e as limitações da empresa industrial, foi necessário entender conceitos, atributos de big data, assim como ferramentas e linguagens que contribui para a implementação de um ecossistema. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho de conclusão de curso tem como objetivo explorar o campo de conhecimento da arquitetura de big data, visando demonstrar como aplicá-la no segmento industrial de modo a demonstrar os benefícios da aplicação desta tecnologia. Os resultados apresentados na realização da prova de conceito demonstraram que a implementação de um big data é expressiva e soluciona problemas reais de empresas do segmento industrial, deixando as análises simples e trazendo a garantia da integridade das informações para tomadas de decisões, trazendo ganho na apresentação de dados confiáveis para tomada de decisão.
After the great progressions arising from the industrial revolutions, the manufacturing segment is undergoing an exponential digital transformation, in which it uses technologies and tools that unify my segments each time in search of more assertive results in the face of unbridled competition. Any investment dedicated to the technological growth of the industry, the need for tools capable of reading, processing and demonstrating all the data generated in possible ways is evident. To develop a big data architecture that suits the needs and limitations of the industrial company, it was necessary to understand the concepts, attributes of big data, as well as tools and languages that contribute to the implementation of an ecosystem. In this context, the present work of completion of course aims to explore the field of knowledge of big data architecture, describes how to apply it in the industrial segment in order to demonstrate the benefits of applying this technology. The results achieved in carrying out the proof of concept demonstrated that the implementation of a big data is expressive and solves real problems of companies in the industrial segment, leaving it as simple analysis and bringing the guarantee of integrity of the information to obtain decisions, bringing gain in the presentation of data taken for decision making.
After the great progressions arising from the industrial revolutions, the manufacturing segment is undergoing an exponential digital transformation, in which it uses technologies and tools that unify my segments each time in search of more assertive results in the face of unbridled competition. Any investment dedicated to the technological growth of the industry, the need for tools capable of reading, processing and demonstrating all the data generated in possible ways is evident. To develop a big data architecture that suits the needs and limitations of the industrial company, it was necessary to understand the concepts, attributes of big data, as well as tools and languages that contribute to the implementation of an ecosystem. In this context, the present work of completion of course aims to explore the field of knowledge of big data architecture, describes how to apply it in the industrial segment in order to demonstrate the benefits of applying this technology. The results achieved in carrying out the proof of concept demonstrated that the implementation of a big data is expressive and solves real problems of companies in the industrial segment, leaving it as simple analysis and bringing the guarantee of integrity of the information to obtain decisions, bringing gain in the presentation of data taken for decision making.
Big Data, Indústria, ETL