Relato literário dos benefícios provocados pelos recursos terapêuticos eficazes na dor pélvica no período gestacional.
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SOUZA, Evenny Pereira de Melo
TEIXEIRA, Nathalia Rose
RIBEIRO, Murilo Paulino
OLIVEIRA, Raylane da Costa
Durante o período gestacional ocorrem alterações hormonais, fisiológicas e
musculoesqueléticas que podem provocar articulações pélvicas rígidas, desalinhadas
ou com movimentação irregular, gerando dor, incluindo a dor pélvica. É de suma
importância a atuação do fisioterapeuta nessas alterações, objetivando diminuir dores
e desconfortos causados pela dor pélvica, além das demais alterações fisiológicas
cardiovascular, respiratório e musculoesquelético. Dessa forma a pesquisa teve como
objetivo geral analisar os efeitos provocados pelos recursos terapêuticos eficazes na
dor pélvica no período gestacional. Já os objetivos específicos foram: descrever os
principais benefícios; relacionar quais recursos eficazes e compreender a importância
desses benefícios. O estudo consistiu em uma pesquisa de revisão de literatura de
abordagem qualitativa, onde foram selecionados artigos que a eficácia dos benefícios
provocados pelos recursos terapêuticos eficazes na dor pélvica no período
gestacional, classificando artigos com evidência científica. Foi encontrado que a
fisioterapia e seus recursos pode contribuir minimizando os desconfortos causados
durante a gravidez, através de terapias manuais realização de exercícios e
orientações, ajudando a manter e corrigir sua postura, reduzir quadro álgico na região
pélvica, sacro-ilíaca e ciática ocasionado pelas adaptações ocorridas em seu corpo, e
trabalhando o fortalecimento muscular principalmente do assoalho pélvico preparando
essa mulher para o parto.
During the gestational period, hormonal, physiological and musculoskeletal changes occur that can cause rigid, misaligned or irregular pelvic joints, generating pain, including pelvic pain. The role of the physiotherapist in these changes is of paramount importance, aiming to reduce pain and discomfort caused by pelvic pain, in addition to other physiological cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal changes. Thus, the research aimed to analyze the effects caused by effective therapeutic resources on pelvic pain during pregnancy. The specific objectives were: to describe the main benefits; list which features are effective and understand the importance of those benefits. The study consisted of a literature review research with a qualitative approach, where articles were selected on the effectiveness of the benefits caused by effective therapeutic resources in pelvic pain during pregnancy, classifying articles with scientific evidence. It was found that physiotherapy and its resources can contribute to minimizing the discomfort caused during pregnancy, through manual therapies, exercise and guidance, helping to maintain and correct your posture, reduce pain in the pelvic, sacroiliac and sciatica region caused by adaptations that occurred in her body, and working on muscle strengthening, especially in the pelvic floor, preparing this woman for childbirth.
During the gestational period, hormonal, physiological and musculoskeletal changes occur that can cause rigid, misaligned or irregular pelvic joints, generating pain, including pelvic pain. The role of the physiotherapist in these changes is of paramount importance, aiming to reduce pain and discomfort caused by pelvic pain, in addition to other physiological cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal changes. Thus, the research aimed to analyze the effects caused by effective therapeutic resources on pelvic pain during pregnancy. The specific objectives were: to describe the main benefits; list which features are effective and understand the importance of those benefits. The study consisted of a literature review research with a qualitative approach, where articles were selected on the effectiveness of the benefits caused by effective therapeutic resources in pelvic pain during pregnancy, classifying articles with scientific evidence. It was found that physiotherapy and its resources can contribute to minimizing the discomfort caused during pregnancy, through manual therapies, exercise and guidance, helping to maintain and correct your posture, reduce pain in the pelvic, sacroiliac and sciatica region caused by adaptations that occurred in her body, and working on muscle strengthening, especially in the pelvic floor, preparing this woman for childbirth.
benefícios, recursos terapêuticos, dor pélvica, gestacional