A importância do tratamento da pré-eclampsia e eclampsia.
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MUNIZ, Barbara Priscila Tavares
ARAÚJO, Miguel Arcanjo Borges de
FERREIRA, Caio Fernando Martins
A hipertensão arterial na gestação é uma doença de alta prevalência que pode
acarretar em elevadas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade materno e perinatal é
caracterizada por apresentar elevação dos níveis da pressão igual ou acima de
140mmHg para a pressão sistólica e 90mmHg para a diastólica assim podendo trazer
graves consequências como a pré - eclampsia, a eclampsia e a síndrome Hellp que é
considerada a mais grave. Objetivou-se conhecer mais da literatura brasileira, com o
intuito de facilitar a identificação dos sinais e sintomas por parte dos profissionais da
saúde para que seja necessário cuidado especializado. E assim evitar possíveis
complicações graves para o binômio mãe – bebê. A metodologia utilizada é a revisão
bibliográfica através do Google acadêmico, PubMed, SciELO. A pré-eclâmpsia é
caracterizado por apresentar consequências na hipertensão arterial gestacional,
caracteriza-se por apresentar início ou piora da hipertensão arterial, com o
acompanhamento de proteinúria e elevação dos níveis creatinina sérica, ácido úrico e
transaminase. A eclampsia é a uma forma grave dos quadros hipertensivos induzidos
pela gravidez, definida pela manifestação de uma ou mais crises convulsivas na
gestante que apresenta a eclampsia. A síndrome Hellp é caracterizada por causar
grandes complicações e está representada quando a complicações em que a paciente
com pré - eclampsia, ou eclampsia apresenta hemólise, aumento das enzimas
hepáticas e plaquetopenia, nesse momento pode-se evoluir o quadro e a gestante
pode chegar até ao óbito. Através de estudos nota-se a importância do Farmacêutico
Avaliando a necessidade e acompanhando na terapia não medicamentosa. Como
uma das vertentes do farmacêutico e quando preciso for de acompanhamento
farmacológico o profissional Farmacêutico estará habilitado para ajudar com a
posologia do medicamento tanto com alguma possível interação de medicamentos e
possíveis esclarecimentos que se faça necessário.
Arterial hypertension in pregnancy is a highly prevalent disease that can lead to high rates of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. It is characterized by an increase in blood pressure levels equal to or above 140mmHg for systolic pressure and 90mmHg for diastolic pressure, thus bringing serious consequences such as preeclampsia, eclampsia and Hello syndrome, which is considered the most serious. The objective was to learn more about Brazilian literature, in order to facilitate the identification of signs and symptoms by health professionals so that care is needed to avoid possible serious complications for the mother-baby E binomial. The methodology used is the bibliographic review through academic Google, PubMed, Scielo. Preeclampsia is characterized by its consequences for gestational arterial hypertension, it is characterized by the onset or worsening of arterial hypertension, with the accompaniment of proteinuria and elevation of serum creatinine, uric acid and transaminase levels. Eclampsia is a severe form of hypertensive conditions induced by pregnancy, defined by the manifestation of one or more seizures in the pregnant woman who presents with eclampsia. Hellp syndrome is characterized by causing major complications and is represented when complications in which the patient with pre-eclampsia, or eclampsia presents with hemolysis, increased liver enzymes and thrombocytopenia, at that moment the condition can develop where the pregnant woman can reach death. Through studies it is noted the importance of the Pharmacist Assessing the need and monitoring in non-drug therapy, As one of the aspects of the pharmacist and when needed pharmacological monitoring the pharmacist will be able to help with the dosage of the drug with any possible interaction medications and possible clarifications that may be necessary.
Arterial hypertension in pregnancy is a highly prevalent disease that can lead to high rates of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. It is characterized by an increase in blood pressure levels equal to or above 140mmHg for systolic pressure and 90mmHg for diastolic pressure, thus bringing serious consequences such as preeclampsia, eclampsia and Hello syndrome, which is considered the most serious. The objective was to learn more about Brazilian literature, in order to facilitate the identification of signs and symptoms by health professionals so that care is needed to avoid possible serious complications for the mother-baby E binomial. The methodology used is the bibliographic review through academic Google, PubMed, Scielo. Preeclampsia is characterized by its consequences for gestational arterial hypertension, it is characterized by the onset or worsening of arterial hypertension, with the accompaniment of proteinuria and elevation of serum creatinine, uric acid and transaminase levels. Eclampsia is a severe form of hypertensive conditions induced by pregnancy, defined by the manifestation of one or more seizures in the pregnant woman who presents with eclampsia. Hellp syndrome is characterized by causing major complications and is represented when complications in which the patient with pre-eclampsia, or eclampsia presents with hemolysis, increased liver enzymes and thrombocytopenia, at that moment the condition can develop where the pregnant woman can reach death. Through studies it is noted the importance of the Pharmacist Assessing the need and monitoring in non-drug therapy, As one of the aspects of the pharmacist and when needed pharmacological monitoring the pharmacist will be able to help with the dosage of the drug with any possible interaction medications and possible clarifications that may be necessary.
hipertensão gestacional, pré-eclampsia/eclampsia, síndrome hellp