Recursos terapêuticos aplicados à entorse de tornozelo: revisão de literatura
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Oliveira, Beatriz Nascimento de
Loures, Judith Maria de Albuquerque
Dias, Melissa da Silva
Pimentel, Winnie da Silva Pimentel
Bordiak, Fernando Campbell
Oliveira, Renan
Introdução: Esta revisão de literatura permitirá uma análise sobre o regime fisioterapêutico utilizado para o tratamento de entorses de tornozelo, de modo aumentar a força muscular e os processos de cicatrização, redução da dor e inchaço, bem como o aumento da amplitude e equilíbrio, trazendo melhora na qualidade de vida do indivíduo e nas atividades diárias. Objetivo: Responder acerca da eficácia da utilização de recursos terapêuticos sobre a reabilitação de entorses de tornozelo, e se positivo, fortalecer suas indicações e suportar sua eficiência com base em evidências. Metodologia: Foi realizado um levantamento com o objetivo de selecionar estudos em que utilizassem recursos terapêuticos, para o tratamento de entorse do tornozelo, foi realizada uma revisão especializada da literatura para reunir informações sobre protocolos de reabilitação, bem como a utilização de bancos de dados, como: Google Acadêmico, PubMed e Scielo. Resultados: Foram selecionados para a composição deste estudo artigos científicos, com variações de idiomas em português, inglês, que seguiram rigorosamente a proposta metodológica. Conclusão: Os estudos realizados sobre os recursos terapêuticos mostram resultados positivos que podem beneficiar os pacientes durante o tratamento da entorse de tornozelo. Conclui-se que a crioterapia, bota pneumática, faixas elásticas e bandagens funcionais são os mais utilizados e mostraram-se eficientes na redução do quadro álgico, redução do edema e melhora da funcionalidade no tratamento de entorses de tornozelo.
Introduction: This literature review will allow an analysis of the physiotherapeutic regimen used for the treatment of ankle sprains, in order to increase muscle strength and healing processes, reduce pain and length, mobility, increase amplitude and balance, and improve in an individual's quality of life and in the activities trained make it a key factor in the prevention and treatment of sprains. Objective: to investigate, through a literature review, the procedures used to treat ankle sprains, and if positive, strengthen their indications and support their effectiveness based on evidence. Methodology: A survey was carried out with the aim of selecting studies that used therapeutic resources for the treatment of ankle sprains, a specialized review of the literature was carried out to gather information on rehabilitation protocols, as well as the use of databases, such as: Google Scholar, PubMed and Scielo. Results: They were selected for the composition of these study articles, with language variations in Portuguese, English, which strictly followed the methodological proposal. Conclusion: The studies carried out on therapeutic resources show positive results that can benefit patients during the treatment of an ankle sprains. It is concluded that cryotherapy, pneumatic boot, elastic bands and functional bandages are the most used and have shown to be efficient in reducing pain, reducing edema and improving functionality in the treatment of ankle sprains.
Introduction: This literature review will allow an analysis of the physiotherapeutic regimen used for the treatment of ankle sprains, in order to increase muscle strength and healing processes, reduce pain and length, mobility, increase amplitude and balance, and improve in an individual's quality of life and in the activities trained make it a key factor in the prevention and treatment of sprains. Objective: to investigate, through a literature review, the procedures used to treat ankle sprains, and if positive, strengthen their indications and support their effectiveness based on evidence. Methodology: A survey was carried out with the aim of selecting studies that used therapeutic resources for the treatment of ankle sprains, a specialized review of the literature was carried out to gather information on rehabilitation protocols, as well as the use of databases, such as: Google Scholar, PubMed and Scielo. Results: They were selected for the composition of these study articles, with language variations in Portuguese, English, which strictly followed the methodological proposal. Conclusion: The studies carried out on therapeutic resources show positive results that can benefit patients during the treatment of an ankle sprains. It is concluded that cryotherapy, pneumatic boot, elastic bands and functional bandages are the most used and have shown to be efficient in reducing pain, reducing edema and improving functionality in the treatment of ankle sprains.
Lesões do tornozelo, Articulação do Tornozelo, Reabilitação