Manifestações Patólogicas: corrosão e degradação em estruturas de concreto decorrentes de íons cloreto.
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SILVA, Lucas Renan Gomes da, Lucas Renan Gomes da Silva
SILVA, Ronyclei Raimundo da, Ronyclei Raimundo da Silva
Um dos materiais mais utilizados no mundo no ramo da construção civil é o concreto e, desse modo, estudá-lo e conhecer suas propriedades é importante para garantir durabilidade nos processos em que se utiliza esse material. E uma vez verificadas as manifestações patológicas, pode-se realizar os procedimentos pertinentes para corrigir os problemas, tais como a necessidade de uma manutenção corretiva. O objetivo desse artigo é realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre a corrosão e degradação em estruturas de concreto, enfatizando a corrosão proveniente de íons cloreto. Desse modo, foram analisados os motivos, meios de reparos e outras características necessárias ao entendimento do tema. Para realizar este estudo, foram realizadas pesquisas de artigos científicos em bases de dados acadêmicos, por meio das chaves de busca “estrutura de concreto” e “corrosão” e “degradação”. Os resultados mostraram que existem estudos importantes sobre a temática, com alternativas para recuperação e ajustes das manifestações patológicas e com orientações sobre manutenções e utilizações que podem dar mais durabilidade ao concreto. Por meio da pesquisa foi possível entender o processo de corrosão das estruturas expostas a íons cloreto e suas características.
One of the most used materials in the world in the construction industry is concrete and, therefore, studying it and knowing its properties is important to guarantee durability in the processes in which this material is used. And once the pathological manifestations have been verified, the relevant procedures can be carried out to correct the problems, such as the need for preventive maintenance. The objective of this article is to review the literature on corrosion and degradation in concrete structures, emphasizing corrosion resulting from chloride ions. In this way, the reasons, means of repairs and other characteristics necessary to understand the topic were analyzed. To carry out this study, searches for scientific articles were carried out in academic databases, using the search keys “concrete structure” and “corrosion” and “degradation”. The results showed that there are important studies on the subject, with alternatives for recovery and adjustments of pathological manifestations and with guidance on maintenance and uses that can make concrete more durable. Through research, it was possible to understand thecorrosion process of structures exposed to chloride ions and their characteristics.
One of the most used materials in the world in the construction industry is concrete and, therefore, studying it and knowing its properties is important to guarantee durability in the processes in which this material is used. And once the pathological manifestations have been verified, the relevant procedures can be carried out to correct the problems, such as the need for preventive maintenance. The objective of this article is to review the literature on corrosion and degradation in concrete structures, emphasizing corrosion resulting from chloride ions. In this way, the reasons, means of repairs and other characteristics necessary to understand the topic were analyzed. To carry out this study, searches for scientific articles were carried out in academic databases, using the search keys “concrete structure” and “corrosion” and “degradation”. The results showed that there are important studies on the subject, with alternatives for recovery and adjustments of pathological manifestations and with guidance on maintenance and uses that can make concrete more durable. Through research, it was possible to understand thecorrosion process of structures exposed to chloride ions and their characteristics.
corrosão, estruturas de concreto, degradação, reparos