Efeitos da fisioterapia aquatica em pacientes com doença de parkinson.
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SOUZA, Leticia Regina de
SILVA, Vanessa Costa da
RIBEIRO, Murilo Paulino
RIBEIRO, Ana Luiza
A doença de Parkinson (DP), foi descrita pela primeira vez por James Parkinson em 1817, é
uma doença neurológica degenerativa e progressiva do sistema nervoso central que envolve
os gânglios da base. São classificadas em parkinsonismo primário, secundário, Plus, e
heredodegenerativas, caracterizando-se como etiologia idiopática e apresenta sinais de
rigidez, tremores de repouso, aumento do tônus muscular, movimentos voluntários,
instabilidades posturais e distúrbios de movimentos causando um declínio da qualidade de
vida (QV) desses pacientes. Afirmam que a DP estar interligada ao processo de
envelhecimento devido à aceleração da perda de neurônios dopaminérgicos, tendo em vista
que o sistema nervoso é o sistema biológico mais comprometido no processo de
envelhecimento, pois o mesmo tem como função de processamento de informações que
visam manter a interação do indivíduo com o ambiente. Com isso, a fisioterapia vem sendo
reconhecida como um instrumento de fundamental importância em prol da melhora do
desempenho motor e funcional do paciente acometido pela doença. Este estudo, tem como
objetivo avaliar a fisioterapia aquática (FA) que vem tendo influência positiva nos pacientes
com DP, utilizando os efeitos físicos, fisiológicos e cinesiológicos.
Parkinson's disease (PD) was first described by James Parkinson in 1817, it is a degenerative and progressive neurological disease of the central nervous system that involves the basal ganglia, where they are classified into primary, secondary, plus and heredodegenerative parkinsonism , which is characterized as an idiopathic etiology and shows signs of stiffness, tremors at rest, increased muscle tone, voluntary movements, postural instabilities and movement disorders causing a decline in the quality of life (QOL) of these patients. They state that PD is linked to the aging process due to the acceleration of the loss of dopaminergic neurons, considering that the nervous system is the biological system most compromised in the aging process, as it has the function of processing information that aims to maintain the interaction of the individual with the environment. Thus, physiotherapy has been recognized as an instrument of fundamental importance in favor of improving the motor and functional performance of the patient affected by the disease. This study aims to evaluate the aquatic physiotherapy (AF) that has been having a positive influence on PD patients, using the physical, physiological and kinesiological effects.
Parkinson's disease (PD) was first described by James Parkinson in 1817, it is a degenerative and progressive neurological disease of the central nervous system that involves the basal ganglia, where they are classified into primary, secondary, plus and heredodegenerative parkinsonism , which is characterized as an idiopathic etiology and shows signs of stiffness, tremors at rest, increased muscle tone, voluntary movements, postural instabilities and movement disorders causing a decline in the quality of life (QOL) of these patients. They state that PD is linked to the aging process due to the acceleration of the loss of dopaminergic neurons, considering that the nervous system is the biological system most compromised in the aging process, as it has the function of processing information that aims to maintain the interaction of the individual with the environment. Thus, physiotherapy has been recognized as an instrument of fundamental importance in favor of improving the motor and functional performance of the patient affected by the disease. This study aims to evaluate the aquatic physiotherapy (AF) that has been having a positive influence on PD patients, using the physical, physiological and kinesiological effects.
doença de parkinson, fisioterapia aquática, tratamentos, equilíbrio, distúrbios motores, qualidade de vida