Prevalência de lesões em atletas de de triatlo.
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SOUZA, Felipe Rodrigues de
DINIZ, Lucas Bezerra
RODRIGUEZ, João Paulo de Sá
CUNHA, Daniela Gibson
O triatlo é descrito como um esporte multidisciplinar, no qual são realizadas as provas de
natação, a prova de ciclismo e a corrida, de uma forma sequencial em uma única
competição. Pode ser realizado em diferentes formatos, como o olímpico, provas de longas
distância e o Iron Man. Diante disso, por ser um esporte de alto impacto, os atletas ficam
expostos a um risco alto de lesões devido aos grandes volumes repetitivos de treinamento.
Não diferindo entre sexo, idade e características morfológicas como peso e altura. Esse
artigo terá como objetivo analisar as principais causas de lesões em atletas dessa
modalidade, para que ocorra uma diminuição nas prevalentes patologias. Será realizado
estudo observacional, e para que seja realizado a coleta de dados, será utilizado formulário
no google forms.
Triathlon is described as a multidisciplinary sport, in which swimming, cycling and running are performed sequentially in a single competition. It can be performed in different formats, such as the Olympic, long-distance events and Iron Man. Therefore, as it is a high-impact sport, athletes are exposed to a high risk of injuries due to the large repetitive volumes of training. There is no difference between sex, age and morphological characteristics such as weight and height. This article will aim to analyze the main causes of injuries in athletes of this modality, so that there is a reduction in the prevalent pathologies. An observational study will be carried out, and for data collection to be carried out, it will be used in google forms.
Triathlon is described as a multidisciplinary sport, in which swimming, cycling and running are performed sequentially in a single competition. It can be performed in different formats, such as the Olympic, long-distance events and Iron Man. Therefore, as it is a high-impact sport, athletes are exposed to a high risk of injuries due to the large repetitive volumes of training. There is no difference between sex, age and morphological characteristics such as weight and height. This article will aim to analyze the main causes of injuries in athletes of this modality, so that there is a reduction in the prevalent pathologies. An observational study will be carried out, and for data collection to be carried out, it will be used in google forms.
prevalência, lesões, triatlon