Algas marinhas do litoral brasileiro e suas potencialidades.
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OLIVEIRA, Gabriel Victor Melo de
MATOSO , Nathália Cristina da Silva
MELO, Yuri Lima
Este estudo retrata a importância e necessidade das algas marinhas para o nosso planeta, pois são as principais produtoras e portanto, fonte de energia. Também são diversificadas e ricas em nutrientes, reproduzem alta quantia de metabólitos que sustentam uma infinidade de produtos biotecnológicos fundamentais para a vida do ser humano. Este estudo contribui para a exploração de informações do acercamento de espécies e suas potencialidades a serem utilizadas. Para a junção desta pesquisa, foi levantado uma revisão bibliográfica que teve como ponto principal a utilização e aplicação tecnológica das algas marinhas. A busca pelo apetrecho utilizado nesta investigação fez um recorte temporal entre 2010 e 2022, as pesquisas científicas foram buscadas no banco de dados Google Scholar, Pubmed e Scielo. As concordâncias foram as mais diversificadas dentro da temática, de acordo com as análises de resultados, visto que a busca por moléculas bioativas foi o principal foco. Desta forma, atendendo ao objetivo de mapear a distribuição geográfica das algas marinhas ao longo da costa brasileira, características morfológicas das algas, incluindo forma, tamanho e coloração, além de Investigar as propriedades e aplicações gerais das algas para benefício humano e industrial, foi levantado uma inspeção em busca de analisar as algas que vivem na região costeira brasileira, onde a partir de pesquisas científicas comprovadas obteve-se conhecimento, que em tal área há 70 espécies de algas marinhas epicontinentais da classe taxonômica divididas em seis. Uma variedade de macroalgas está principalmente ligada às influências do meio ambiente, que persistem durante todo o ano. A partir desta proposição, pôde-se especular que a biotecnologia das algas pode ser desenvolvida para diversas aplicações em diferentes bioprodutos, dentre os combustíveis, fármacos, cosméticos e suplementos alimentares, citados neste estudo. Todavia é notório observar o grande interesse econômico e industrial imerso no potencial biotecnológico das microalgas no mundo em si, devido à sua designação de diversas substâncias sintetizadas por tais organismos.
This study portrays the importance and need for seaweed for our planet, as they are the main producers and, therefore, a source of energy. They are also diverse and rich in nutrients, they reproduce a high amount of metabolites that support a multitude of biotechnological products fundamental to human life. This study contributes to the exploration of information about species and their potential to be used. To bring this research together, a bibliographical review was carried out with the main point being the use and technological application of seaweed. The search for the equipment used in this investigation took place between 2010 and 2022, scientific research was searched in the Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scielo databases. The agreements were the most diverse within the theme, according to the analysis of results, since the search for bioactive molecules was the main focus. In this way, meeting the objective for map the geographic distribution of seaweed along the Brazilian coast, morphological characteristics of the algae, including shape, size and color, in addition to Investigating the general properties and applications of algae for human and industrial benefit, an inspection was carried out in order to analyze the algae that live on the coast of Rio Grande do Norte, where, based on proven scientific research, knowledge was obtained that in this area there are 70 species of epicontinental marine algae. of the taxonomic class, classes that are divided in six. A variety of macroalgae are mainly linked to environmental influences, which persist throughout the year. From this proposition, it was possible to speculate that algae biotechnology can be developed for various applications in different bioproducts, among fuels, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food supplements, mentioned in this study. However, it is notable to observe the great economic and industrial interest immersed in the biotechnological potential of microalgae in the world itself, due to its designation of several substances synthesized by such organisms.
This study portrays the importance and need for seaweed for our planet, as they are the main producers and, therefore, a source of energy. They are also diverse and rich in nutrients, they reproduce a high amount of metabolites that support a multitude of biotechnological products fundamental to human life. This study contributes to the exploration of information about species and their potential to be used. To bring this research together, a bibliographical review was carried out with the main point being the use and technological application of seaweed. The search for the equipment used in this investigation took place between 2010 and 2022, scientific research was searched in the Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scielo databases. The agreements were the most diverse within the theme, according to the analysis of results, since the search for bioactive molecules was the main focus. In this way, meeting the objective for map the geographic distribution of seaweed along the Brazilian coast, morphological characteristics of the algae, including shape, size and color, in addition to Investigating the general properties and applications of algae for human and industrial benefit, an inspection was carried out in order to analyze the algae that live on the coast of Rio Grande do Norte, where, based on proven scientific research, knowledge was obtained that in this area there are 70 species of epicontinental marine algae. of the taxonomic class, classes that are divided in six. A variety of macroalgae are mainly linked to environmental influences, which persist throughout the year. From this proposition, it was possible to speculate that algae biotechnology can be developed for various applications in different bioproducts, among fuels, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food supplements, mentioned in this study. However, it is notable to observe the great economic and industrial interest immersed in the biotechnological potential of microalgae in the world itself, due to its designation of several substances synthesized by such organisms.
macroalgas, bioprodutos, biotecnológicos, interesse econômico