Avaliação da Eficiência de Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto em Condomínios Residenciais e Comerciais
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Silva, Lucas
Bavaresco, Carlos Roberto
Rebelo, Silene
Se preocupar com questões ambientais é muito importante, pois não trata-se apenas de seguir a legislação, mas sobre se responsabilizar com o planeta, preservando-o agora e no futuro. Os lares e a atividade doméstica em geral, geram efluentes que precisam ser tratados antes do seu retorno aos corpos hídricos, tanto para seguir as condições e padrões de lançamento de efluentes, como para a preservação do nosso meio ambiente e recursos naturais. As estações de tratamento de esgoto são utilizadas na remoção de poluentes das águas residuais de residências, comércios e indústrias, através da aceleração do processo de purificação da água, por meio de processos de degradação, devendo atender às legislações ambientais vigentes, sendo elas Resolução CONSEMA nº 182/2021 e Resolução CONAMA 430/2011. Com isso, o estudo realizado teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência de estações de tratamento de esgotos em condomínios residenciais e comerciais. Inicialmente, foram coletados os dados de monitoramento das estações. Na sequência, foram realizadas análises para verificação e interpretação dos dados de monitoramento obtidos, e então por fim, avaliando a eficiência do tratamento e atendimento aos padrões de lançamento estabelecidos pelas legislações ambientais vigentes. Apesar de os parâmetros avaliados apresentarem redução significativa de concentração no efluente tratado em relação ao esgoto bruto, os valores de concentração para lançamento de parte dos parâmetros ainda não atendem aos padrões estabelecidos pela legislação, não podendo ser lançados em corpos hídricos e, comprovando assim, que a eficiência de parte das ETE’s não é satisfatória devendo ser submetida a novas adequações e monitoramento constante. Ainda, foi verificado que as médias de eficiência de remoção efetiva apresentaram-se muito abaixo do apresentado nos Memoriais Descritivos de projeto de cada uma das ETE’s. Em média, os resultados obtidos na remoção para Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio (DBO) e Fósforo Total foram, respectivamente, 79% e 39%. Portanto, com base nas legislações, nacional (Resolução CONAMA 430/2011) e estadual (Resolução CONSEMA nº 182/2021), todas as ETE’s atenderam aos padrões estabelecidos para DBO, mas nenhuma delas atendeu aos parâmetros estabelecidos para Fósforo Total e Nitrogênio Amoniacal Total.
Being concerned about environmental issues is very important, as it is not just about following the legislation, but about taking responsibility for the planet, preserving it now and in the future. Homes and domestic activities in general generate effluents that need to be treated before returning to water bodies, both to follow the conditions and standards for effluent discharge, as well as to preserve our environment and natural resources. Sewage treatment plants are used to remove pollutants from the waste water of homes, businesses and industries, through the acceleration of the water purification process, through degradation processes, and must comply with current environmental legislation, which are CONSEMA Resolution nº 182/2021 and CONAMA Resolution 430/2011. Thus, the study carried out aimed to evaluate the efficiency of sewage treatment plants in residential and commercial condominiums. Initially, monitoring data from the stations were collected. Subsequently, analyzes were carried out to verify and interpret the monitoring data obtained, and then finally, evaluating the efficiency of treatment and compliance with the release standards established by current environmental legislation. Although the evaluated parameters show a significant reduction in the concentration of treated effluent in relation to raw sewage, the concentration values for the release of part of the parameters still do not meet the standards established by legislation, and cannot be released into water bodies and, thus, proving, that the efficiency of part of the ETE's is not satisfactory and must be submitted to new adjustments and constant monitoring. Furthermore, it was verified that the averages of effective removal efficiency were much lower than those presented in the Descriptive Memories of the project of each of the ETE's. On average, the results obtained in the removal for Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total Phosphorus were, respectively, 79% and 39%. Therefore, based on national (CONAMA Resolution 430/2011) and state (CONSEMA Resolution No. 182/2021) legislation, all ETE's met the standards established for BOD, but none of them met the parameters established for Total Phosphorus and Total Ammoniacal Nitrogen
Being concerned about environmental issues is very important, as it is not just about following the legislation, but about taking responsibility for the planet, preserving it now and in the future. Homes and domestic activities in general generate effluents that need to be treated before returning to water bodies, both to follow the conditions and standards for effluent discharge, as well as to preserve our environment and natural resources. Sewage treatment plants are used to remove pollutants from the waste water of homes, businesses and industries, through the acceleration of the water purification process, through degradation processes, and must comply with current environmental legislation, which are CONSEMA Resolution nº 182/2021 and CONAMA Resolution 430/2011. Thus, the study carried out aimed to evaluate the efficiency of sewage treatment plants in residential and commercial condominiums. Initially, monitoring data from the stations were collected. Subsequently, analyzes were carried out to verify and interpret the monitoring data obtained, and then finally, evaluating the efficiency of treatment and compliance with the release standards established by current environmental legislation. Although the evaluated parameters show a significant reduction in the concentration of treated effluent in relation to raw sewage, the concentration values for the release of part of the parameters still do not meet the standards established by legislation, and cannot be released into water bodies and, thus, proving, that the efficiency of part of the ETE's is not satisfactory and must be submitted to new adjustments and constant monitoring. Furthermore, it was verified that the averages of effective removal efficiency were much lower than those presented in the Descriptive Memories of the project of each of the ETE's. On average, the results obtained in the removal for Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total Phosphorus were, respectively, 79% and 39%. Therefore, based on national (CONAMA Resolution 430/2011) and state (CONSEMA Resolution No. 182/2021) legislation, all ETE's met the standards established for BOD, but none of them met the parameters established for Total Phosphorus and Total Ammoniacal Nitrogen
Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto, Padrões de lançamento de efluentes, Eficiência de tratamento, Lodos Ativados