Aumento de coroa clínica estética anterior, reanatomização de dentes conóides e contornos cosméticos em resina composta pelo fluxo digital: relato de caso clínico.
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FERREIRA, Jâmmya Háleffe de Lima
QUEIROZ, Jercia Mayane de Lima
FREIRE, Guilherme Carlos Beiruth
Introdução: As restaurações diretas anteriores são de cunho estético e duradouro, que se assemelham aos dentes naturais que vem tendo um aumento da sua popularidade advindo das mídias sociais. A sociedade importa-se muito com a estética, porém, os princípios básicos e biológicos do periodonto devem ser respeitados, assim, o planejamento é imprescindível para escolha da técnica adequada e para se ter um tratamento com longevidade. Objetivos: Este trabalho tem como objetivo elucidar através de um relato de caso clínico que os cirurgiões-dentistas devem realizar planejamentos multidisciplinares junto ao digital, na qual, é valioso para manter um periodonto saudável, sem iatrogenias. Pois, muitas vezes os profissionais, por âmbito de ganância e por vezes falta de conhecimento realizam procedimentos sem técnica adequada e o cuidado necessário ao espaço biológico incorreto, resultando assim, em inúmeros problemas aos pacientes. Relato de caso: Paciente J.M.L.Q. 24 anos de idade, sexo feminino e sistemicamente saudável compareceu a clínica com queixa de seu sorriso. Ao exame clínico periodontal, observou-se que a paciente apresentava sorriso gengival e coroa clínicas curtas. Foi realizado protocolo fotográfico, escaneamento e enceramento digital para planejamento digital do sorriso, a fim de verificar a quantidade necessária para o aumento das coroas clínicas pela cirurgia periodontal (15-25) e posterior confecção das restaurações diretas em resina composta (13-23). Conclusão: Diante disso, os cirurgiões-dentistas deverão atualizar-se de conhecimentos e usufruir do mundo digital, minimizando os erros referente aos espaços biológicos e anatomia, assim, promovendo saúde.
Introduction: Direct anterior restorations are aesthetic and long-lasting, resembling natural teeth, which have seen an increase in popularity due to social media. Society cares a lot about aesthetics, but the basic and biological principles of periodontium must be respected, therefore, planning is essential to choose the appropriate technique and to have a treatment with longevity. Objectives: This work aims to elucidate, through a clinical case report, that dental surgeons must carry out multidisciplinary planning using digital technology, which is valuable for maintaining a healthy periodontium, without iatrogenesis. Because, professionals often, due to greed and sometimes lack of knowledge, carry out procedures without adequate technique and the necessary care in the incorrect biological space, thus resulting in numerous problems for patients. Relato de caso: Patient J.M.L.Q. A 24-year-old, systemically healthy female presented to the clinic complaining about her smile. During the clinical periodontal examination, it was observed that the patient had a gummy smile and a short clinical crown. A photographic protocol, scanning and digital waxing were carried out for digital smile planning, in order to verify the quantity necessary for the increase of clinical crowns through periodontal surgery (15-25) and subsequent creation of direct restorations in composite resin (13-23). Conclusion: Given this, 3 dental surgeons should update their knowledge and take advantage of the digital world, minimizing errors regarding biological spaces and anatomy, thus promoting health.
Introduction: Direct anterior restorations are aesthetic and long-lasting, resembling natural teeth, which have seen an increase in popularity due to social media. Society cares a lot about aesthetics, but the basic and biological principles of periodontium must be respected, therefore, planning is essential to choose the appropriate technique and to have a treatment with longevity. Objectives: This work aims to elucidate, through a clinical case report, that dental surgeons must carry out multidisciplinary planning using digital technology, which is valuable for maintaining a healthy periodontium, without iatrogenesis. Because, professionals often, due to greed and sometimes lack of knowledge, carry out procedures without adequate technique and the necessary care in the incorrect biological space, thus resulting in numerous problems for patients. Relato de caso: Patient J.M.L.Q. A 24-year-old, systemically healthy female presented to the clinic complaining about her smile. During the clinical periodontal examination, it was observed that the patient had a gummy smile and a short clinical crown. A photographic protocol, scanning and digital waxing were carried out for digital smile planning, in order to verify the quantity necessary for the increase of clinical crowns through periodontal surgery (15-25) and subsequent creation of direct restorations in composite resin (13-23). Conclusion: Given this, 3 dental surgeons should update their knowledge and take advantage of the digital world, minimizing errors regarding biological spaces and anatomy, thus promoting health.
restaurações diretas, planejamento, digital, periodontia, dentística