A utilização de benzodiazepínicos e ansiolíticos em tempos de pandemia.
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GRIGÓRIO, Silvio Daniel do Nascimento
MENDES, Nadja Damiles Ferreira
FERREIRA, Caio Fernando Martins
A utilização de benzodiazepínicos e ansiolíticos em Natal ainda é um problema de
saúde pública. O estudo objetivou analisar as receitas de benzodiazepínicos e
ansiolíticos mais vendidos em uma farmácia de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil,
em tempos de pandemia pelo Covid-19. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica,
utilizamos as seguintes bases de dados: Pub-med., SciELO - Scientific Electronic
Library Online e Google Acadêmico. Ao observarmos o desempenho de uma farmácia
comercial da cidade de Natal (RN) verificamos que os benzodiazepínicos e ansiolíticos
mais utilizados pela população natalense foram os seguintes fármacos: 309
Alprazolam, 519 Clonazepam e 150 Bromazepam, 222 outros BZD entre setembro do
ano de 2019 a setembro de 2020, houve 1.200 BZD prescritos em receitas médicas,
o clonazepam teve seu destaque com quase (50%) das receitas analisadas. Do ponto
de vista farmacêutico a população usuária desses fármacos precisa ser sensibilizada
sobre os efeitos colaterais que cada benzodiazepínico e ansiolítico causa a sua saúde,
e nunca os utilizar mediante uma condição remota de tempos pandêmicos. Considerase que o uso de benzodiazepínicos e ansiolíticos em Natal/RN precisa de um novo
planejamento em saúde pública com práticas concretas que priorizem a intervenção
do farmacêutico (a) antes do paciente receber o fármaco.
The use of benzodiazepinics and ansiolytics in Natal is still a public health problem. The study aimed to analyze the best-selling benzodiazepinics and ansiolytics prescriptions in a pharmacy in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, and in times of pandemic by Covid-19. It is a bibliographic search, we use the following databases: Pub-med., SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online and Google Scholar. When observing the performance of a commercial pharmacy in the city of Natal (RN) we found that the benzodiazepinics and ansiolytics most used by the Natal population were the following drugs: 309 Alprazolam, 519 Clonazepam and 150 Bromazepam, 222 other BZDs between September of the year 2019 to September of 2020, there were 1,200 BZD prescribed in medical prescriptions, clonazepam stood out with almost (50%) of the prescriptions analyzed. From a pharmacist point of view, the population using these drugs needs to be made aware of the side effects that each benzodiazepinics and ansiolytics causes to their health, and never use them under a remote condition of pandemic times. It is considered that the use of benzodiazepinics and ansiolytics in Natal/RN needs a new planning in public health with concrete practices that prioritize the intervention of the pharmacist before the patient receives the drug.
The use of benzodiazepinics and ansiolytics in Natal is still a public health problem. The study aimed to analyze the best-selling benzodiazepinics and ansiolytics prescriptions in a pharmacy in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, and in times of pandemic by Covid-19. It is a bibliographic search, we use the following databases: Pub-med., SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online and Google Scholar. When observing the performance of a commercial pharmacy in the city of Natal (RN) we found that the benzodiazepinics and ansiolytics most used by the Natal population were the following drugs: 309 Alprazolam, 519 Clonazepam and 150 Bromazepam, 222 other BZDs between September of the year 2019 to September of 2020, there were 1,200 BZD prescribed in medical prescriptions, clonazepam stood out with almost (50%) of the prescriptions analyzed. From a pharmacist point of view, the population using these drugs needs to be made aware of the side effects that each benzodiazepinics and ansiolytics causes to their health, and never use them under a remote condition of pandemic times. It is considered that the use of benzodiazepinics and ansiolytics in Natal/RN needs a new planning in public health with concrete practices that prioritize the intervention of the pharmacist before the patient receives the drug.
benzodiazepínicos, benzodiazepínicos e ansiolíticos, benzodiazepínicos e pandemia, farmacoepidemiologia benzodiazepínicos, grandes pandemias