Avaliação do potencial farmacologico da opuntia ficus-indica: uma revisão de literatura
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Martins, Jhenyffer Karolyne Silva
Batista, Ava Brenda
Ramalho, Heryka Myrna Maia
Ainda que o histórico do uso de plantas como medicamento pelo ser humano seja extenso e longínquo, os estudos sobre botânica nessa vertente, por conhecimentos para a utilização de métodos capazes de trazer benefícios ao ser humano, principalmente no uso de plantas com potencial medicinal, é bem recente. A aplicação de espécies encontradas no bioma caatinga, no Brasil, se mostra como alternativa para a retirada de vantagens farmacológicas devido a sua vasta riqueza em biodiversidade. Por este modo, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo revisar literaturas a fim de esclarecer e avaliar a potencialidade farmacológica da cactácea Opuntia ficus-indica por ela ser uma espécie considerada medicinal em torno do mundo. O estudo realizado apontou que apesar das suas atividades anti-inflamatórias, cicatrizantes, antiulcera, antidiabéticas e antioxidantes, ainda há muito o que aprender sobre a espécie pois sua contribuição para a humanidade na área da medicina e farmacologia é muito vasta e rica.
Although the history of the use of plants as medicine by human beings is extensive and distant, studies on botany in this area for knowledge on the use of methods capable of bringing benefits to human beings, especially in the use of plants with medicinal potential, is well recent. The application of species found in the caatinga biome, in Brazil, is an alternative for the withdrawal of pharmacological advantages due to its vast richness in biodiversity. In this way, the present work aimed to review literature in order to clarify and evaluate the pharmacological potential of the cactus Opuntia ficus-indica because it is a species considered medicinal around the world. The study carried out pointed out that despite its anti-inflammatory, healing, antiulcer, antidiabetic and antioxidant activities, there is still much to learn about the species because its contribution to humanity in the field of medicine and pharmacology is very vast and rich.
Although the history of the use of plants as medicine by human beings is extensive and distant, studies on botany in this area for knowledge on the use of methods capable of bringing benefits to human beings, especially in the use of plants with medicinal potential, is well recent. The application of species found in the caatinga biome, in Brazil, is an alternative for the withdrawal of pharmacological advantages due to its vast richness in biodiversity. In this way, the present work aimed to review literature in order to clarify and evaluate the pharmacological potential of the cactus Opuntia ficus-indica because it is a species considered medicinal around the world. The study carried out pointed out that despite its anti-inflammatory, healing, antiulcer, antidiabetic and antioxidant activities, there is still much to learn about the species because its contribution to humanity in the field of medicine and pharmacology is very vast and rich.
Farmacologia, Caatinga, Potencial medicinal