Os potenciais efeitos da suplementação de curcumina na síndrome metabólica: uma revisão integrativa
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Dantas, Haendel Mozart
Silva, Rutson Wendel Bezerra
Serquiz, Fabiana Maria Coimbra de Carvalho
Síndrome metabólica é definida como um transtorno complexo ligado a um conjunto de fatores que estão relacionados com risco aumentado de doenças cardiovasculares. Desse
modo, o presente estudo se propõe a analisar por meio de uma revisão integrativa os potenciais efeitos da suplementação de curcumina na síndrome metabólica. Com isso, para
guiar este estudo, elaborou-se a seguinte questão: "Qual o potencial efeito da suplementação
de curcumina na síndrome metabólica?” Assim, obedecendo aos seguintes critérios de
inclusão, os artigos foram selecionados considerando os que mencionaram suplementação
de curcumina e síndrome metabólica, que estivessem indexados nas bases de dados
pré-selecionadas, que fossem publicados em inglês entre 2015 e 2021 e estivessem
disponíveis na íntegra. Ao final da pesquisa, foram encontrados 24 estudos, contudo, foram
excluídos 13 desses estudos em que continham apenas a caracterização do efeito da
suplementação de curcumina de forma geral, mas que não apresentaram nenhum resultado
sobre esse efeito direto na síndrome metabólica. Dessa forma, 11 artigos se enquadraram nos
critérios de inclusão declarados. A suplementação de curcumina mostrou fortes indícios
(forte potencial) no seu papel na modulação no processo da inflamação, melhorando vários
marcadores inflamatórios como a proteína C-reativa e reduzindo significamente citocinas
pró-inflamatórios como a IL-6, TNF-α e TNF-β, e aumentando as citocinas anti-inflamatórias como a IL-10. Em relação à diminuição da resistência insulínica, a suplementação de curcumina se mostrou eficaz na melhora da glicemia. Sobre o perfil lipídico os estudos demonstraram uma redução das taxas de triglicérides e do LDL-c, e no aumento do HDL-c. Sobre os parâmetros antropométricos, não houve evidências suficientes que mostrassem o efeito da curcumina na perda de peso e redução de gordura corporal. Concluímos que a suplementação com curcumina possui grandes evidências positivas sobre seu papel na Síndrome Metabólica (SM), mas que ainda possui fatores limitantes como a duração dos estudos e a quantidade das amostras. Com isso mais estudos precisam ser realizados para conseguir definir as doses ideais e tempo de tratamento.
Metabolic syndrome, which is defined as a complex disorder linked to a set of factors that are related to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Thus, the present study proposes to analyze, through an integrative review, the potential effects of curcumin supplementation on the metabolic syndrome. Thus, to guide this study, the following question was elaborated “What is the potential effect of curcumin supplementation on the metabolic syndrome?” Thus, obeying the following inclusion criteria, the articles were selected considering those that mentioned curcumin supplementation and metabolic syndrome, that were indexed in the pre-selected databases, that were published in English between 2015 and 2021 and that were available in full. At the end of the search, 24 studies were found, however, 13 of these studies were excluded in which they only contained the characterization of the effect of curcumin supplementation in general, but which did not present any results on this direct effect on the metabolic syndrome. Thus, 11 articles met the stated inclusion criteria. Curcumin Supplementation has shown strong evidence (strong potential) for its role in modulating the inflammation process, improving various inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein and significantly reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, TNF-α and TNF- β, and increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10. Regarding the decrease in insulin resistance, curcumin supplementation proved to be effective in improving blood glucose. Regarding the lipid profile, studies have shown a reduction in triglycerides and LDL-c rates, and an increase in HDL-c. Regarding anthropometric parameters, there was not enough evidence to show the effect of curcumin on weight loss and body fat reduction. We conclude by reinforcing that Curcumin Supplementation has great positive evidence about its role in MS, but that it still has limiting factors such as the duration of studies and the number of samples. With that, more studies need to be carried out to be able to define the ideal doses and treatment time.
Metabolic syndrome, which is defined as a complex disorder linked to a set of factors that are related to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Thus, the present study proposes to analyze, through an integrative review, the potential effects of curcumin supplementation on the metabolic syndrome. Thus, to guide this study, the following question was elaborated “What is the potential effect of curcumin supplementation on the metabolic syndrome?” Thus, obeying the following inclusion criteria, the articles were selected considering those that mentioned curcumin supplementation and metabolic syndrome, that were indexed in the pre-selected databases, that were published in English between 2015 and 2021 and that were available in full. At the end of the search, 24 studies were found, however, 13 of these studies were excluded in which they only contained the characterization of the effect of curcumin supplementation in general, but which did not present any results on this direct effect on the metabolic syndrome. Thus, 11 articles met the stated inclusion criteria. Curcumin Supplementation has shown strong evidence (strong potential) for its role in modulating the inflammation process, improving various inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein and significantly reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, TNF-α and TNF- β, and increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10. Regarding the decrease in insulin resistance, curcumin supplementation proved to be effective in improving blood glucose. Regarding the lipid profile, studies have shown a reduction in triglycerides and LDL-c rates, and an increase in HDL-c. Regarding anthropometric parameters, there was not enough evidence to show the effect of curcumin on weight loss and body fat reduction. We conclude by reinforcing that Curcumin Supplementation has great positive evidence about its role in MS, but that it still has limiting factors such as the duration of studies and the number of samples. With that, more studies need to be carried out to be able to define the ideal doses and treatment time.
Cúrcuma, Curcumina, Síndrome metabólica, Inflamação