Intoxicações por medicamentos: o papel do farmacêutico clínico.
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SILVA, Ester Barbosa da
MEDEIROS, Kallyne Isabel Paiva
FERREIRA, Caio Fernando Martins
O presente trabalho originou-se a partir da preocupação do uso inadequado de
medicamentos sem orientações profissionais adequadas, propondo-se a mostrar
dados sobre intoxicações medicamentosas no Brasil no ano de 2017 (dados mais
atuais encontrados). Tais dados foram retirados do site do Sistema de Informações
Tóxico-farmacológicas (SINITOX). O objetivo do artigo é descrever a importância do
farmacêutico clínico perante situação de intoxicação e na dispensação e orientação
correta sobre o uso de medicamentos. O trabalho foi realizado com base em uma
revisão de literatura com coleta de dados realizada a partir de fontes secundárias.
Para o levantamento dos artigos, realizou-se uma busca nas seguintes bases de
dados: Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO), PubMed e Google Acadêmico. Os
dados mostram que a faixa etária mais atingida pela intoxicação medicamentosa é a
de 1 a 4 anos, enquanto que as circunstâncias que mais prevalecem para o
acontecimento das intoxicações são: tentativa de suicídio, , acidentes individuais e
erros de prescrição. O gênero mais afetado é o feminino, com 60,89% dos casos
registrados no ano de 2017. Providências para que essa realidade diminua devem ser
tomadas, tanto pelo governo com ações de publicidade que consigam chegar a toda
a população, desde os mais esclarecidos até o menos, pelos profissionais de saúde
com a conscientização do uso adequado dos medicamentos, e pelo farmacêutico, com
a assistência e a atenção farmacêutica.
The present work originated from the concern about the inappropriate use of medicines without adequate professional guidance, proposing to show data on drug intoxications in Brazil in 2017 (most current data found), such data were taken from the website Toxic-pharmacological Information System (SINITOX), describe the importance of the clinical pharmacist in the face of intoxication and in the correct dispensation and guidance on the use of medicines. The work was carried out from a literature review with data collection carried out from secondary sources. To survey the articles, a search was conducted in the following databases: Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO), PubMed and Google Scholar. The data show that the age group most affected by drug intoxication is 1 to 4 years, the circumstances that most prevail for the intoxication event are: attempted suicide, taking first place, individual accidents and prescription errors. The most affected gender is the female, with 60.89% of the cases registered in the year 2017. Provisions for this reality to decrease must be taken, both by the government with publicity actions that manage to reach the entire population, from the most enlightened. at least, by health professionals with awareness of the proper use of medicines, and by the pharmacist, with pharmaceutical assistance and attention.
The present work originated from the concern about the inappropriate use of medicines without adequate professional guidance, proposing to show data on drug intoxications in Brazil in 2017 (most current data found), such data were taken from the website Toxic-pharmacological Information System (SINITOX), describe the importance of the clinical pharmacist in the face of intoxication and in the correct dispensation and guidance on the use of medicines. The work was carried out from a literature review with data collection carried out from secondary sources. To survey the articles, a search was conducted in the following databases: Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO), PubMed and Google Scholar. The data show that the age group most affected by drug intoxication is 1 to 4 years, the circumstances that most prevail for the intoxication event are: attempted suicide, taking first place, individual accidents and prescription errors. The most affected gender is the female, with 60.89% of the cases registered in the year 2017. Provisions for this reality to decrease must be taken, both by the government with publicity actions that manage to reach the entire population, from the most enlightened. at least, by health professionals with awareness of the proper use of medicines, and by the pharmacist, with pharmaceutical assistance and attention.
intoxicação, medicamento, assistência farmacêutica