Relação hospedeiro-microbiota e sua influência na saúde intestinal: uma revisão de literatura.
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CASSIMIRO, Marcella Santos
ARAÚJO, Patrícia Vieira de
FERREIRA, Sarah de Sousa
Hannaly Wana Bezerra, Hannaly Wana Bezerra
A microbiota intestinal é definida a partir de um complexo ecossistema de microrganismos que colonizam, em harmonia, o TGI, desempenhando um papel significativo no funcionamento do organismo hospedeiro, podendo causar alterações metabólicas, como na resposta imune e na digestão. Apesar da produção de muitos dados sobre a microbiota intestinal na última década, ainda não há um entendimento profundo do funcionamento dessa interação simbiótica e do seu papel no processo saúde-doença. Portanto, pesquisadores buscam novos métodos para estudar a microbiota intestinal, superando barreiras que limitavam os estudos, uma vez que grande parte dos microrganismos intestinais ainda não são cultiváveis. Métodos independes de cultura vêm sendo aprimorados desde então, permitindo o aperfeiçoamento da prática clínica a partir do desenvolvimento de novos alvos terapêuticos. O presente estudo tem por objetivo discorrer sobre a relação simbióticaentre os seres humanos e a microbiota intestinal, bem como sua influência na saúde do trato gastrointestinal e os principais fatores que podem alterá-la. Dessa maneira foram realizadas buscas em livros e nas bases de dados PubMed, SciELO e Scopus, empregando os termos de indexação ou descritores “human gut microbiota and intestinal health”, isolados ou de forma combinada. De acordo com a literatura consultada, conclui-se que, diante da influência da microbiota no sistema imunológico e na fisiologia do hospedeiro já amplamente relatada nos estudos científicos, é imprescindível uma compreensão mais aprofundada sobre o funcionamento da microbiota nas diferentes condições de saúde e doença para que surjam novas estratégias para prevenção e tratamento. Para isso, desafios na investigação e nos métodos de análise da microbiota devem ser superados.
The intestinal microbiota is defined as a complex ecosystem of microorganisms that colonize, in harmony, the GI, playing a significant role in the functioning of the host organism, and can cause metabolic changes, such as the immune response and digestion. Despite the production of a lot of data on the intestinal microbiota in the last decade, there is still no in-depth understanding of the functioning of this symbiotic interaction and its role in the health-disease process. Therefore, researchers are looking for new methods to study the intestinal microbiota, overcoming barriers that limited studies, since most intestinal microorganisms are not yet cultivable. Culture-independent methods have been improved since then, allowing the improvement of clinical practice through the development of new therapeutic targets. The present study aims to discuss the symbiotic relationship between humans and the intestinal microbiota, as well as its influence on the health of the gastrointestinal tract and the main factors that can alter it. In this way, searches were carried out in books and in the PubMed, SciELO and Scopus databases, using the indexing terms or descriptors “human gut microbiota and intestinal health”, alone or in combination. According to the literature consulted, it is concluded that, given the influence of the microbiota on the host's immune system and physiology, already widely reported in scientific studies, a deeper understanding of the functioning of the microbiota in different health and disease conditions is essential. so that new strategies for prevention and treatment can emerge. To achieve this, challenges in microbiota research and analysis methods must be overcome.
The intestinal microbiota is defined as a complex ecosystem of microorganisms that colonize, in harmony, the GI, playing a significant role in the functioning of the host organism, and can cause metabolic changes, such as the immune response and digestion. Despite the production of a lot of data on the intestinal microbiota in the last decade, there is still no in-depth understanding of the functioning of this symbiotic interaction and its role in the health-disease process. Therefore, researchers are looking for new methods to study the intestinal microbiota, overcoming barriers that limited studies, since most intestinal microorganisms are not yet cultivable. Culture-independent methods have been improved since then, allowing the improvement of clinical practice through the development of new therapeutic targets. The present study aims to discuss the symbiotic relationship between humans and the intestinal microbiota, as well as its influence on the health of the gastrointestinal tract and the main factors that can alter it. In this way, searches were carried out in books and in the PubMed, SciELO and Scopus databases, using the indexing terms or descriptors “human gut microbiota and intestinal health”, alone or in combination. According to the literature consulted, it is concluded that, given the influence of the microbiota on the host's immune system and physiology, already widely reported in scientific studies, a deeper understanding of the functioning of the microbiota in different health and disease conditions is essential. so that new strategies for prevention and treatment can emerge. To achieve this, challenges in microbiota research and analysis methods must be overcome.
microbiota intestinal humana, microbioma intestinal, trato gastrointestinal, disbiose, saúde intestinal