Efetividade do uso de alimentos funcionais e suplementos como coadjuvantes no tratamento do melasma
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Passos, Selma Silva de Araújo
Malinovski, Juliana
Introdução: O melasma é uma desordem estética, caracterizada por hipermelanose simétrica, com bordas irregulares, considerada como distúrbio pigmentar crônico e adquirido. Sendo de etiologia multifatorial e difícil tratamento. Objetivo: O estudo tem como objetivo descrever a efetividade do uso de alimentos funcionais e suplementos como coadjuvantes no tratamento do melasma. Metodologia: O estudo trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica com aspectos descritivos e exploratórios, sendo eleitos o total de 45 artigos entre os anos de 2013 a 2023, após o racionamento foram selecionados 17 artigos em língua inglesa e língua portuguesa, em conjunto a utilização de 2 exemplares brasileiros, foram selecionados para compilação, utilizando-se na base de dados os seguintes descritores: “melasma”, “skin hyperpigmentation”, “antioxidant foods”, “anti-inflammatory foods”, “phisiology of melasma” e “photoprotective foods.” Resultados: Após a análise dos estudos desta revisão, conclui-se que os micronutrientes antioxidantes e fotoprotetores presentes nos alimentos podem ser usados como tratamento coadjuvante do melasma, uma vez que têm a capacidade de proteger a pele dos danos causados pelos radicais livres, reduzir a inflamação da pele e a desigualdade da pigmentação. A interação ocorre por meio da busca em impedir a produção de melanina através da ação de inibição da tirosinase e ativação da renovação da pele, fazendo com que melhore o fluxo sanguíneo nas manchas e eritemas causadas pela radiação UV.
Introduction: Melasma is an aesthetic disorder, characterized by symmetrical hypermelanosis, with irregular edges, considered as a chronic and acquired pigmentary disorder. Being of multifactorial etiology and difficult to treat. Objective: The study aims to describe the effectiveness of using functional foods and supplements as adjuvants in the treatment of melasma. Methodology: The study is a bibliographical review with descriptive and exploratory aspects, being elected a total of 45 articles between the years 2013 to 2023, after rationing, 17 articles in English and Portuguese were selected, together with the use of 2 Brazilian specimens, were selected for compilation, using the following descriptors in the database: “melasma”, “skin hyperpigmentation”, “antioxidant foods”, “anti-inflammatory foods”, “phisiology of melasma” and “photoprotective foods.” Results: After analyzing the studies in this review, it is concluded that the antioxidant and photoprotective micronutrients present in foods can be used as an adjuvant treatment for melasma, since they have the ability to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals , reduce skin inflammation and pigmentation unevenness. The interaction occurs through the search to prevent the production of melanin through the action of tyrosinase inhibition and activation of skin renewal, improving blood flow in spots and erythemas caused by UV radiation.
Introduction: Melasma is an aesthetic disorder, characterized by symmetrical hypermelanosis, with irregular edges, considered as a chronic and acquired pigmentary disorder. Being of multifactorial etiology and difficult to treat. Objective: The study aims to describe the effectiveness of using functional foods and supplements as adjuvants in the treatment of melasma. Methodology: The study is a bibliographical review with descriptive and exploratory aspects, being elected a total of 45 articles between the years 2013 to 2023, after rationing, 17 articles in English and Portuguese were selected, together with the use of 2 Brazilian specimens, were selected for compilation, using the following descriptors in the database: “melasma”, “skin hyperpigmentation”, “antioxidant foods”, “anti-inflammatory foods”, “phisiology of melasma” and “photoprotective foods.” Results: After analyzing the studies in this review, it is concluded that the antioxidant and photoprotective micronutrients present in foods can be used as an adjuvant treatment for melasma, since they have the ability to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals , reduce skin inflammation and pigmentation unevenness. The interaction occurs through the search to prevent the production of melanin through the action of tyrosinase inhibition and activation of skin renewal, improving blood flow in spots and erythemas caused by UV radiation.
Melasma, Fisiologia do melasma, Pele hiperpigmentação, Alimentos antioxidantes, Alimentos antiiflamatorios, Alimentos antiiflamatorios