Trabalho de conclusão de curso - Agência Espiral e Tial
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Da Cól, Bruno Peroni
Pavão, Caio Fidelis
Sakakura, Gabriel Fujita
Amaral, Gabriela Harue Morais do
Oliveira, Giovanni Martins de
Almeida, Henrique Anjos de
Silva, Marco Antonio Rodrigues da
Malavolti, Pedro Henrique Ferreira
Cara, Victor Hideki Yzumida
Campos, José Rubens
Tial nasceu através de um projeto acadêmico, que tinha como base a criação de uma indústria de bebidas à base de frutas sem conservantes e sem ingredientes artificiais. O primeiro proprietária da marca se interessou pela ideia e enxergou a oportunidade de aproveitar frutos que eram desperdiçados, buscando uma maneira de aproveitá-los, assim, em 1986, foi fundada oficialmente, no município de Visconde Rio Branco - MG, a primeira indústria brasileira com sucos produzidos 100% com ingredientes naturais e sem aditivos químicos, a Tropical Indústrias de Alimentos.
Com um constante investimento em pesquisa e desenvolvimento tecnológico para a fabricação, é possível manter as características naturais das frutas, preservando, suas propriedades, aroma, sabor e cor do suco, tornando a palatabilidade do produto muito agradável, saborosa e nutritiva. A Tial mais de 80 produtos possui em seu portfólio, uma grande variedade de sabores, entre néctares, sucos 100% de fruta, outras bebidas à base de frutas, como as vitaminas Vitamix, as águas de coco (da fruta e com polpa), chás, concentrados, linha Kids, além das barrinhas nutritivas feita de banana, as Bananinhas. Seus produtos são 100% naturais, com baixa caloria e vitamínicos, além de possuírem embalagens que vão de 200ml a 1L.
Em 2018 a marca passou por um processo de reposicionamento de mercado, renovando sua identidade visual, além de aprimorar seu portfólio, garantindo uma comunicação simples e direta nas embalagens. Neste projeto, o trabalho de rebranding será mantido e apresentaremos um planejamento estratégico, campanha e plano de marketing com uma profunda análise de mercado, estudos de caso, teste de conceito, planejamento e estratégias de comunicação, mídia e promoção de vendas. Com isso, é pretendido enfraquecer a visão de que sucos comercializados em embalagens de papelão são considerados prejudiciais à saúde, tornar a marca e seus aspectos mais reconhecidos no mercado frente à concorrência, atrair novos e potenciais consumidores e pessoas que buscam produtos no setor de saudabilidade.
Com isso, definimos como tema da campanha “Suco de fruta, não de ‘caixinha’”, e como conceito “Um suco de fruta a qualquer momento”, buscando consolidar a imagem de um produto natural e causar um impacto positivo, com a concepção de um suco prático, de fácil manejo e de consumo rápido, atrelado a necessidade de praticidade na rotina do consumidor em diversas ocasiões e, ainda sim, mantendo suas características de saudabilidade.
Tial was born through an academic project, which was based on the creation of an industry of fruit-based drinks without preservatives and artificial ingredients. The first owner of the brand became interested in the idea and saw the opportunity to take advantage of fruits that were being wasted, looking for a way to use them, thus, in 1986, the first Brazilian industry with juices produced 100% natural ingredients and without chemical additives, Tropical Indústrias de Alimentos was officially founded in Visconde Rio Branco - MG. With a constant investment in research and technological development for the manufacture, it is possible to maintain the natural characteristics of the fruit, preserving its properties, aroma, flavor, and color of the juice, making the palatability of the product very pleasant, tasty, and nutritious. Tial has more than 80 products in its portfolio, a wide variety of flavors, including nectars, 100% fruit juices, other fruit-based drinks, such as Vitamix vitamins, coconut water (from fruit and pulp), teas, concentrates, the Kids line, and the nutritious bars made from bananas, Bananinhas. Its products are 100% natural, low-calorie and vitamin-free, and have packages ranging from 200ml to 1L. In 2018 the brand underwent a market repositioning process, renewing its visual identity, in addition to enhancing its portfolio, ensuring simple and direct communication on the packaging. In this project, the rebranding work will be maintained and we will present a strategic planning, campaign, and marketing plan with a deep market analysis, case studies, concept test, planning and communication strategies, media, and sales promotion. With this, it is intended to weaken the view that juices sold in cardboard packaging are considered harmful to health, to make the brand and its aspects more recognizable in the market against the competition, and to attract new and potential consumers and people who seek products in the health sector. With this, we defined the campaign theme "Fruit juice, not 'boxed' juice", and the concept "A fruit juice at any time", seeking to consolidate the image of a natural product and to cause a positive impact, with the conception of a practical juice, easy to handle and of fast consumption, linked to the need for practicality in the consumer's routine in several occasions and, yet, keeping its healthiness characteristics.
Tial was born through an academic project, which was based on the creation of an industry of fruit-based drinks without preservatives and artificial ingredients. The first owner of the brand became interested in the idea and saw the opportunity to take advantage of fruits that were being wasted, looking for a way to use them, thus, in 1986, the first Brazilian industry with juices produced 100% natural ingredients and without chemical additives, Tropical Indústrias de Alimentos was officially founded in Visconde Rio Branco - MG. With a constant investment in research and technological development for the manufacture, it is possible to maintain the natural characteristics of the fruit, preserving its properties, aroma, flavor, and color of the juice, making the palatability of the product very pleasant, tasty, and nutritious. Tial has more than 80 products in its portfolio, a wide variety of flavors, including nectars, 100% fruit juices, other fruit-based drinks, such as Vitamix vitamins, coconut water (from fruit and pulp), teas, concentrates, the Kids line, and the nutritious bars made from bananas, Bananinhas. Its products are 100% natural, low-calorie and vitamin-free, and have packages ranging from 200ml to 1L. In 2018 the brand underwent a market repositioning process, renewing its visual identity, in addition to enhancing its portfolio, ensuring simple and direct communication on the packaging. In this project, the rebranding work will be maintained and we will present a strategic planning, campaign, and marketing plan with a deep market analysis, case studies, concept test, planning and communication strategies, media, and sales promotion. With this, it is intended to weaken the view that juices sold in cardboard packaging are considered harmful to health, to make the brand and its aspects more recognizable in the market against the competition, and to attract new and potential consumers and people who seek products in the health sector. With this, we defined the campaign theme "Fruit juice, not 'boxed' juice", and the concept "A fruit juice at any time", seeking to consolidate the image of a natural product and to cause a positive impact, with the conception of a practical juice, easy to handle and of fast consumption, linked to the need for practicality in the consumer's routine in several occasions and, yet, keeping its healthiness characteristics.
Tial Sucos, Sucos Prontos, Saudabilidade, Natural, Praticidade, Consumo Rápido, Rotina Saudável, 100% fruta