Aplicação da filosofia lean construction em uma residência unifamiliar: um estudo de caso
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Estudo de Caso
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Câmara, Henrique Augusto Galvão Lucas da
Freires, Paulo Esmael
Cruz, Cláudia Patrícia Torres
O Lean Construction é uma filosofia que foi desenvolvida no sentido de aprimorar a aplicação de técnicas que possam aumentar o desempenho das atividades, com redução de desperdício, custo e tempo. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a aplicabilidade dessa filosofia em uma obra residencial unifamiliar em Parnamirim/RN. Para tanto, foram realizadas visitas técnicas, análise dos projetos e comparação dos dados. Constatou-se que o planejamento e execução de acordo com os projetos bem elaborados, analisados em cada etapa de execução, serviços e canteiro organizados, seguindo um cronograma prático, com controle eficiente de tempo e emprego de material adequado para cada etapa, pôde-se verificar uma redução efetiva de custos. Tem-se, portanto, uma redução no tempo de execução, e consequentemente recursos, diminuição nas atividades que não agregam valor ao produto, manutenção do cronograma de execução e resultado esperado. Com a aplicação da filosofia Lean, foi possível obter uma redução de tempo e custos da execução das etapas de curto, médio e longo prazo.
Lean Construction is a philosophy that was developed to improve the application of techniques that can increase the performance of activities, reducing waste, cost, and time. The objective of this article is to analyze the applicability of this philosophy in a single-family residential construction in Parnamirim/RN. To this end, technical visits, project analysis, and data comparison were performed. It was verified that the planning and execution according to well elaborated projects, analyzed in each stage of execution, organized services and construction site, following a practical schedule, with efficient control of time and use of adequate material for each stage, it was possible to verify an effective reduction of costs. There is, therefore, a reduction in execution time, and consequently resources, a decrease in activities that do not add value to the product, and maintenance of the execution schedule and expected result. With the application of the Lean philosophy, it was possible to obtain a reduction of time and costs of the execution of the stages in the short, medium, and long term.
Lean Construction is a philosophy that was developed to improve the application of techniques that can increase the performance of activities, reducing waste, cost, and time. The objective of this article is to analyze the applicability of this philosophy in a single-family residential construction in Parnamirim/RN. To this end, technical visits, project analysis, and data comparison were performed. It was verified that the planning and execution according to well elaborated projects, analyzed in each stage of execution, organized services and construction site, following a practical schedule, with efficient control of time and use of adequate material for each stage, it was possible to verify an effective reduction of costs. There is, therefore, a reduction in execution time, and consequently resources, a decrease in activities that do not add value to the product, and maintenance of the execution schedule and expected result. With the application of the Lean philosophy, it was possible to obtain a reduction of time and costs of the execution of the stages in the short, medium, and long term.
Filosofia Lean Construction, Projetos, Planejamento, Controle de recursos, Eficiência, Implementação